Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System


Click on any of the following questions for more information.

The PLRS is an online catalogue of professional learning events and activities provided by the Sacramento County Office of Education. These events serve our regional teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, support staff, coaches, parent/guardians, community members and SCOE staff members.

No, you do not need an account to register for an event.

Creating an account will simplify the registration process and provide access to pending and past registered events, acquired certificates, event materials and logistics from your profile page.

Each event is unique and may require selecting specific topics or breakout sessions by participant. Bulk registration is not applicable. However, a person can register on behalf of others. (Always include the email address of the person actually attending.)

Submitted waitlist requests are tracked in the order they are received. When a seat becomes available, an email is sent to the first name on the list with the option to register. If the seat is not reserved within 24 hours, an email will be sent to the next name on the list. The waitlist will end when enrollments are scheduled to stop.

The Event Contact will provide a digital key. Select the event, enter the key, and complete the registration process.

Debit/credit cards via PayPal, or personal checks and purchase orders upon agreement with the Event Contact. SCOE employees with a PRLS account may also use an internal program contract. SCOE employees may not use a Cal Card.

Some of the events provide a refund for cancelled reservations. Check the event listing for available options.

You can access your registration information from the confirmation email or enter your confirmation I.D. in the search field on the homepage.

Same options apply as above. In addition, you can log into your account and select registration records.

Access your registration record in your confirmation email, search by confirmation I.D, or log into your account. From the registration record, select the Materials and Logistics link. Locate the virtual logistics for the event and/or breakout sessions.

Access your registration record in your confirmation email, search by confirmation I.D, or log into your account. From the registration record, select the Materials and Logistics link. Locate the materials in the Pre-Event or Post Event section of the page.

Access your registration record in your confirmation email, search by confirmation I.D, or log into your account. From the registration record, select Certificates. The link will only appear when a certificate is available.

For questions or concerns about the event (registrations, logistics, cancellations, payments, etc.) email the Event Contact listed for the event.

Anyone with an account can reset their password or change their contact information by following the steps provided on the website. SCOE staff members can submit technical requests at