Building Thinking Classrooms Part Two: Connecting to Curriculum & Closure (Option 2 - 9/25/24)
Audience: TK-12 Educators and Coaches that have participated in Part One of this series OR have already read Chapters 1-8 in the book and are implementing those practices.
Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that ensure equitable access to grade-level content (Chapters 9-11):
Experience curricular tasks as a learner
Learn how to maintain FLOW by using hints & extensions asynchronously to create balance between challenge and ability
Explore the why, what, how, and when of consolidating a lesson
Shift your understanding Meaningful Notes as you consider the structure of making instead of taking notes
Gain valuable resources such as lesson examples, templates, and graphic organizers that help you move students through curricular outcomes with individual understanding
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz (awirz@scoe.net) for more questions.