Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System


Building Thinking Classrooms Part Three: Refining Thinking Classrooms (Option 3 - 3/4/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches who have attended Part One and Part Two of this series OR a summer intensive OR have read Chapters 1-11 and are implementing those practices and want to refine them. ***This is not for beginners.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on refining your thinking classroom culture, connections to curriculum, & closure by revisiting Chapters 9, 10, and 11.

  • Experience math tasks as a learner

  • Refine practices 9-11 that keep your students thinking and retaining learning

  • Practice Consolidation by Selecting, Sequencing, & Seeding a Divergent Task

  • Fine-tune your SEL-embedded practices that enhance student belonging and motivation

  • Build your understanding of Thin-Slicing by reordering sets of tasks by type

  • Explore Centers and Activities that can provide opportunities to extend thinking and build fluency while allowing you time to address and front-load unfinished learning


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.