Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System


Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 6 - 3/27/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.