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Professional Learning
Registration System

Multilingual Education Leadership Network (mELn)

The Sacramento County Office of Education hosts quarterly meetings for Coordinators of English Learner programs in Sacramento County. Administrators from districts throughout the Capital Service Region (Region 3) are welcome to attend.

The purpose of these meetings is to provide timely, relevant, and reliable information on English Learner legislation such as the Every Student Succeeds Act and policy such as the English Learner Roadmap implementation.

Additionally, meetings offer best practices to meet state and federal accountability requirements and resources for assisting districts to increase student achievement across all subgroups. Staff from the California Department of Education and other agencies are frequently invited to present new information and answer questions. Participants value the opportunity to collaborate and share information with colleagues from other districts. Members are asked to disseminate information provided to them during meetings to the schools in their districts.

Event Meeting Details:

Thursday, September 12, 2024  

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Thursday, March 13, 2025 ***Virtual***

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Thursday,  May 15, 2025 ***Virtual***

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions.