Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 9 out of 9
Reflect and Plan
Reflecting and planning for the year to come is essential for setting goals, identifying areas for growth, and strategizing ways to improve outcomes and experiences for both students and stakeholders.
Capitol Area R-TAC Culminating Event
This full-day session will bring Community School teams from across the Capitol Area R-TAC together to reflect on the work of the past year, celebrate progress and set intentions for the next year. The in-person meeting will include a mix of cross-site, cross-district discussions as well as opportunities for role-alike groups (ie: site, district, county coordinators) to process and connect with their peers. We hope you'll join us for this thoughtful and fun-filled celebration.
Date: Wednesday, May 7th, 2025
Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm (in-person)