Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System


SCOE U: The Coaching Habit (SCOE ONLY)

The Coaching Habit

This course was offered in 2021 and because of its popularity, it’s back! Join Kasia Faughn (CSAPA), Rachel Perry (CSAPA), and Becky Sullivan (C&I) to learn how to tame your “Advice Monster” and stay curious longer. Curiosity is the key to providing effective coaching to your team members. This course is designed for leaders who supervise others. You’ll be provided with tools, resources, and key questions to build your coaching habit. A copy of two books, “The Coaching Habit” and “The Advice Trap” are included with registration. The books will be tools for learning; reading both books is not requires. Small sections of material will be recommended for each session. 

Course Details:

·       Three in-person sessions.

·       Continental breakfast is included for each session.

·       Attendance at all three sessions is strongly recommended.

Session Dates and Times:

·       All sessions run from 9-10:30 AM

·       August 7, Room D

·       August 21, Room C

·       September 4, Room A