Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
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SCOE U: Connection Before Content: An Introduction to Compassionate Systems- (SCOE ONLY)

Join us for an engaging professional learning session where we delve into the essential concepts of "Connection Before Content" and "Maslow's Before Bloom's," framed within the context of Compassionate Systems. This session will emphasize the importance of addressing basic human needs and fostering meaningful connections before diving into academic content.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Connection Before Content: Explore the significance of building strong, supportive relationships in educational settings and how these connections enhance learning outcomes.
  • Maslow's Before Bloom's: Understand the importance of addressing students' fundamental needs (as outlined in Maslow's hierarchy) before focusing on higher-order thinking skills (as per Bloom's taxonomy).

Core Practices:

  1. Contemplative Practices / Check-In: Learn and practice techniques for mindfulness and emotional check-ins that help create a calm and focused learning environment.
  2. How We Show Up (Mental Models): Reflect on personal mental models and biases, and understand how they influence interactions and learning experiences.

Outcomes: Participants will gain practical strategies for integrating these compassionate practices into their everyday life, fostering a more supportive and effective environment for all.