Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System


Literacy Plan Writing Boot Camp

Session Description:

Gather your Site Literacy Team  (grant lead, site administrators, grade level representatives, literacy coaches, reading specialists) and join us for a three-part virtual series focused on writing your site Literacy Plan. Teams will engage in a root cause analysis and needs assessment using local data to collaboratively write the plan. There is a prerequisite video to watch before attending and suggested data to bring to the sessions will be sent ahead of time.

Who should attend: Site Literacy Teams who did not attend the Spring 2024 Series, or started late, or need additional support completing their Literacy Plans.

Access Code: LCRSET 

Dates: August 20, 27, and September 3

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.