Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System

Coaching and Managing Towards Equity: Designing Effective Meetings

This session is facilitated by the National Equity Project. It is designed for leaders, managers, supervisors, coaches, mentors, team leads, facilitators, and anyone who is charged with the privilege and responsibility for the learning, growth, and development of other adults in your system or organization. Educators from across the Sacramento region are encouraged to attend. 
Session Objectives:
  • Practice approaches for understanding, raising, and addressing equity issues through the practice of coaching
  • Reflect on who you are in this work and what skills and knowledge you need to be successful in your role as a leader, manager, supervisor
  • Deepen your understanding about what it means for you to support the learning, growth and development of another adult
  • Reflect on your coaching context and learn from the work of other coaches and leaders
  • Gain some tools and approaches and leave with a plan and approach for addressing some of the most pressing challenges in your work
  • Learn about, experience and practice using an Experiential Learning Cycle through an equity lens to plan for an upcoming meeting that you will lead
  • Explore what is required of a facilitator of adult learning addressing equity issues in your context and become familiar with tools and resources to support facilitation
  • Learn about the neuroscience of emotion to help you understand and respond to strong emotions in a group, especially when addressing equity issues
  • Engage strategies for supporting teams and groups to do equity-centered work
  • Gain new knowledge, tools and frameworks for facilitating teams and developing a positive group dynamic


This session will take place at SCOE in the Board Room. There is no cost to attend. Please reach out to Alexis Gomez ( with any questions.