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Professional Learning
Registration System

California Serves Integrated Action Civics Project Professional Learning

The Sacramento County Office of Education, San Juan USD, and Gateway CC are partering with the UC Berkely History-Social Science Project to offer a professional learning series on the Integrated Action Civics Project (IACP). IACP is a unique framework, developed by UCBHSSP and the Santa Clara COE, that integrates classroom-tested strategies into existing course curricula. Through this framework, students:


  • Develop civic skills through the study of K-12 course content.
  • Explore historical case studies to learn how people work toward social change. 
  • Apply change-analysis lenses and strategies in the study of historical and contemporary issues to develop the skills needed to examine root causes, power relations, stake/rights-holders, strategies and actions for change.

Along with building these analytical skills, the IACP framework highlights strategies to support deep student reflection and development of their 'sense of self.' We hope you will join us to learn more about this powerful framework and the ways teachers can easily integrate the strategies into their existing curriculum as well as supporting specific student civic engagement projects. 

As this is offered as part of the California Serves Grant, a partnership between SCOE, SJUSD, and GCC, priority enrollment will be given to teachers employed by those LEAs. 

Dates and Times:

9/5/24: 4-6pm-Virtual

9/28/24: 9am-3pm-In-Person

10/24/24: 4-6pm-Virtual

12/5/24: 4-6pm-Virtual

2/1/25: 9am-3pm-In-person

2/27/25: 4-6pm-Virtual

3/27/25: 4-6pm-Virtual

Note: In-Person sessions will be at Choices Charter; 4425 Laurelwood Way, Sacramento.