Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System


Maker Education Institute

The institute will host a cadre of educators and coaches who commit to not only attending the monthly meetings but also implementing the Maker Centered Learning curriculum in their classrooms. The monthly meetings will be a combination of a presentation of the academic foundations underpinning Maker Ed, Maker Centered activities for participants and debriefing by participants of their implementation activities.  The Institute will be a laboratory to test out Maker Centered Learning curriculum, a setting for educators to discuss best practices and learn from each other ways to successfully implement a Maker Centered Approach in the classroom.

Drawing upon various human-centered design approaches, which position empathy at the core of design processes, educators will experience ways that can be used to support Transformative Social Emotional Learning competencies and conditions for thriving. The goal of Maker Ed is student agency through teacher support and improving student mindfulness and well-being.

The Institute will be held at either Capital College & Career Academy or Folsom Lake College, Monthly from October 2024- May 2025. Dinner will be provded at 4:30 PM with the Program from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

Attend at least 6/8 sessions and you have the opportunity to receive a teacher kit valued up to $300.00!