The Institute is designed for district/school teams to:
Receive a comprehensive overview of the program to understand how it supports and develops English Learners’ abilities to write journalistic articles Experience the standards-aligned curriculum's critical instructional strategies and routines to develop oral and written language Examine key aspects of the curriculum that foster EL's engagement and interaction through analysis of video lessons Identify program features that help prevent Long-Term English Learner status.
Receive a comprehensive overview of the program to understand how it supports and develops English Learners’ abilities to write journalistic articles Experience the standards-aligned curriculum's critical instructional strategies and routines to develop oral and written language Examine key aspects of the curriculum that foster EL's engagement and interaction through analysis of video lessons Identify program features that help prevent Long-Term English Learner status.
Gather your team:
Team members may be comprised of (1) District EL Director/Coordinator; (2) personnel identified to provide professional development to Journalism Program instructors; and (3) lead instructors/instructors
new to the Journalism program.
new to the Journalism program.
Dates and Times
Sept. 24, 2024 and Feb. 6, 2025
Virtual 8:30- 12:30
Virtual 8:30- 12:30
Oct. 17, 2024
In-person 8:30 am-3:00 pm
In-person 8:30 am-3:00 pm
April 3, 2025
Virtual 9-11 AM
The time commitment between sessions ranges from 5-10 hours.
This project is for the Region 3: Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba.
Please follow the link to the interest form and flyer:
Limited to 25 participants
Selected teams will be sent a notification email that includes a link to register for the ToT. If you have any questions about this professional learning opportunity, please contact us at
*Please note, teams from Region 3 working with their COE are given priorities with admissions, but all are welcome to apply.