Centers of Wellness Convening
The Centers of Wellness Convening brings together dedicated individuals like yourself to champion the cause of school wellness transformation.
Here are just a few highlights you can expect from the event:
- Digital and Physical Roadmaps: Explore and receive step-by-step roadmaps to replicate centers of wellness.
- Sustainable Funding Options: Pathways to drawdown sustainable dollars in support of centers of wellness.
- Engaging Panel Discussions: We have curated panels featuring experts from diverse backgrounds who will share insights and perspectives on key topics focused on transforming schools into centers of wellness.
- School Site Visits: Experience firsthand the implementation of best practices in school wellness by joining us on a guided visit to a local school. Witness successful initiatives in action and gain valuable insights that you can apply within your educational communities.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators, and industry leaders who share your passion for driving positive change.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided!
Please RSVP by 1/8/2025 to confirm your attendance. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to Jeanna Borges at