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Professional Learning
Registration System

EPiCC Summer Series: Strategies for Elementary Integrated and Designated ELD

How can teachers easily and effectively build language proficiency for their English learner/emergent bilingual students throughout their daily lessons? 


This interactive three-day in-person series provides teachers with a construct and set of strategies that can be effectively integrated into existing lessons and practices. Aligned to Principle 1 and Principle 2 of the English Learner Roadmap and the English Learner Toolkit of Strategies, participants will:

  • Learn to effectively identify and address the strengths and needs of English learner/emergent bilingual students by providing targeted scaffolds and instructional support. 

  • Develop strategies to actively engage students in all four language domains (listening, reading, speaking and writing), deepening students’ use of sophisticated academic language and tapping into their linguistic genius.

  • Be prepared with tools and resources to implement in their classrooms.


Note: This event is geared toward elementary educators; however, the concepts could be valuable to secondary teachers and coaches seeking a deeper understanding of ELD. A light breakfast and lunch will be offered for each day of the series. The professional learning is free of cost; however, there is a meal fee of $60 to cover the cost of the three days. Your confirmation will be required.


Session Dates:

June 10,2025

June 11, 2025

June 12, 2025

8:30 AM - 2:30 PM


Audience: Elementary Classroom Teachers, Instructional Coaches, TOSAs, EL Leaders


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.