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Professional Learning
Registration System

Graham Fletcher (Grades 4-6 Only)

As more teachers look to add high-yield tasks to their repertoire, the struggle to make it all work becomes real. Let's examine how problem-based lessons can be used throughout the scope of a unit and how we can harness their power to move student thinking forward. We'll identify strategies and explore some tasks that help us find a healthy balance between application, conceptual understanding, and procedural fluency. 

Participants will:

·      Engage in grade-appropriate modeling tasks and understand how the implementation of low-entry, high-scalability tasks can be used to reach all students.

·      Explore the use of 3-act tasks as regular practice and identify when these lessons can be used throughout the scope of a unit.

·      Understand how 3-act tasks and problem-based lessons can be used within the instructional framework (opening, work session, close), and the purposeful moves to orchestrate an effective closing session.

·      Identify ways in which problem-based lessons can be used to monitor student growth.

·      Connect 3-Act Tasks to conceptual learning and application and identify how this approach is instrumental in developing procedural fluency.

**You can register without a Purchase Order in place. Enter "pending" in the PO number field. Once a PO has been processed, it can be emailed to Amanda Wirz ( Your district will be invoiced after the event has concluded.