Empowering Local Implementation: Training of Trainers Session for the English Learner Roadmap
This session is designed to equip COEs/District staff with the tools to engage site leaders across their districts in local planning to implement the English Learner Roadmap. The comprehensive reach of the EL Roadmap (across levels of the system and across functions and aspects of schooling) requires building shared meaning of the four Principles, collectively assessing current practices through the lens of those Principles, and setting local priorities. This session will include an overview of the steps to local planning, sharing of tools and suggested activities to facilitate productive engagement, and case studies. Participants will have an opportunity to begin to adapt templates and approaches to their own context.
The Local Planning Trainer of Trainer is a session we designed at the request of some of the anchor and partner counties that participated with EL RISE! during the 2020 EWIG. During the 2020 EWIG, EL RISE! facilitated Local Planning sessions (1-2 per year) with the six anchor LEAs to support their efforts to move the CA English Learner Roadmap. Each session engaged a TEAM of leaders and people from within the district with EL expertise and responsibility, and it was highly customized to meet the LEAs where they were and support their forward momentum. The sessions followed a set of planning steps that began with the following:
(a) jointly constructing Journey Maps looking back on their district’s history of work to improve EL Education
(b) identification of key EL issues “on their plates” currently (including a look at their local data)
(c) crosswalking these issues/concerns and local efforts to the four principles of the EL Roadmap
(d) designing inquiries to build shared understanding of the status and issues in current practices
(e) considering strategic implementation approaches
(f) exploring steps for moving forward and action planning
This Trainer of Trainers is designed to support County and District personnel TEAMS who are interested in supporting local LEA teams in a similar way. Ideally, the participants in this TOT will be already familiar with the EL Roadmap Principles and, ideally, also somewhat familiar with the types of resources embedded in the Administrator Toolkits.
This is NOT a presentation that is meant to be replicated. It is more of a guided sharing of planning steps/protocols and supports that can be used by each county and district in a customized way to facilitate the development of locally appropriate and locally designed implementation plans. The Trainer of Trainer session will include an exploration of entry points, specific tools, and approaches for the local context.
The expectation is that participants will take the basic protocol, approaches, and tools from the Trainer of Trainers and use them in customized work with Local LEA teams and in various ways in their roles as technical assistance providers to districts.
Audience: County Office Teams, District Office Teams, Charter System Teams (at minimum, two form the same LEA make a team)
Session Date:
April 8, 2025
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.