Image of a young woman inspired to follow her professional dreams

Professional Learning
Registration System

EPiCC Summer Series: Integrated and Designated ELD for Secondary Teachers

This two-day in-person summer series will be framed by the four principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focuses primarily on deepening knowledge and implementing quality teaching and learning practices for multilingual-English students. It will feature guidance provided in key California Department of Education resources, including the following:

Note: A light breakfast and lunch will be offered on each day. The professional learning is free of cost; however there is a $30 meal fee to cover the two days. This event is a repeat of the professional learning from EPiCC Summer 2024. Due to the popularity of this series and limited number of seats, your confirmation will be required. 

Course Date (s) and Time(s):

Summer Series 

June 24, 2025

June 25, 2025

8:30 AM - 2:30 PM


Audience: Secondary Teachers and Teacher Leaders in All Content Areas, EL Leaders


Refunds will not be permitted for any reason.

May substitute participants.


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.