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Professional Learning
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COE Network for Community Schools - Session 4 out of 5

Opportunities for County Office of Education team members to learn about state/regional updates, gather and share tools/resources, network and collabrate. 

It is highly reccomended but not required to attend all sessions. 



Date: March 21st, 2025

Time: 9:00am-2:00pm (in-person)


*This is only for County Office of Education staff*

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Starts: 3/21/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova
11211 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova CA 95742
Status: 6 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats

COE Network for Community Schools - Session 5 out of 5

Opportunities for County Office of Education team members to learn about state/regional updates, gather and share tools/resources, network and collabrate. 

It is highly reccomended but not required to attend all sessions. 


Capitol Area R-TAC Culminating Event

This full-day session will bring Community School teams from across the Capitol Area R-TAC together to reflect on the work of the past year, celebrate progress and set intentions for the next year. The in-person meeting will include a mix of cross-site, cross-district discussions as well as opportunities for role-alike groups (ie: site, district, county coordinators) to process and connect with their peers. We hope you'll join us for this thoughtful and fun-filled celebration. 

Date: May 7th, 2025

Time: 9:00am-3:00pm (in-person)


*This is only for County Office of Education staff*

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Starts: 5/7/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova
11211 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova CA 95742
Status: 7 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats