Multilingual-EL Cross Departmental Meeting
This is an internal SCOE staff offering only.
A facilitated process of bringing together staff across divisions to make meaning of the English Learner Roadmap policy and its application to endeavors across-departments within the county office - helping to develop a shared vision and plan for infusing the Roadmap into work with LEAs. Each year of the grant, this cross-division group is reconvened to reflect upon progress and refine plans for coherent and meaningful implementation of the Roadmap across the County Office work.
Session 1: 08/26/24
Session 2: 01/13/25
Sesssion 3: 05/19/25
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Starts: 8/26/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 26 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats
Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Integrated ELD Training of Trainers Cohort #1
Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching. This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement. During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process. In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process. Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.
LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community
LEARN with and from each other
LEAD your ELs to success
Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)
September 10, 2024
In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #1 Only)
September 19, 2024
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)
November 14, 2025
9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 9/10/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: An elementary school in the Sacramento area
Status: 1 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats
Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Integrated ELD Training of Trainers Cohort #2
Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching. This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement. During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process. In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process. Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.
LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community
LEARN with and from each other
LEAD your ELs to success
Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)
September 10, 2024
In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #2 Only)
November 7, 2024
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)
November 14, 2025
9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 9/10/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: An elementary school in the Sacramento area
Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats
Multilingual Education Leadership Network (mELn)
The Sacramento County Office of Education hosts quarterly meetings for Coordinators of English Learner programs in Sacramento County. Administrators from districts throughout the Capital Service Region (Region 3) are welcome to attend.
The purpose of these meetings is to provide timely, relevant, and reliable information on English Learner legislation such as the Every Student Succeeds Act and policy such as the English Learner Roadmap implementation.
Additionally, meetings offer best practices to meet state and federal accountability requirements and resources for assisting districts to increase student achievement across all subgroups. Staff from the California Department of Education and other agencies are frequently invited to present new information and answer questions. Participants value the opportunity to collaborate and share information with colleagues from other districts. Members are asked to disseminate information provided to them during meetings to the schools in their districts.
Event Meeting Details:
Thursday, September 12, 2024
12:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Thursday, December 12, 2024
12:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2025 ***Virtual***
12:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2025 ***Virtual***
12:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions.
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Starts: 9/12/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 2 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats
Secondary English Learner Collaborative (sELc)
The sELc is a learning community among English Learner Coordinators/ Administrators districts and charters that serve secondary (7–12) grades to collaboratively learn about how to establish equitable services and programs for English learners.
Participants will:
• Participate in bimonthly meetings to discuss ongoing programs and services at the middle and high school levels.
• Focus on addressing the needs of multilingual-English learners: Newcomers, Long-Term English Learners (LTEL), At Risk of becoming Long-Term English Learners (AR-LTEL), Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE), Refugee and Immigrant Youth.
• Build partnerships/network among EL coordinators, administrators, and ELD teacher leaders within the Sacramento County.
• Have ongoing collegial support, access coordinated resources, implement, and share best practices.
• Develop strategies to establish equitable services for secondary English learners by targeting their varying needs.
• Make meaning on how to address current laws, policies, and practices at the secondary level.
• Measure progress collect data and set benchmarks to increase English Learner reclassification rates.
In-Person Event Meeting Details: 9:00 AM-11:30 AM
- September 16, 2024
- December 16, 2024
- March 17, 2025
- April 21, 2025
Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Teacher Leaders, TOSAs, English Learner Coordinators and ELD Teachers
Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions.
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Starts: 9/16/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 9 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats
Elementary English Learner Collaborative (eELc)
This elementary learning community among teacher leaders, coordinators and administrators from districts and charters collaboratively focuses on how to establish equitable services and programs for multilingual-English learners.
Session Dates:
September 16, 2024
December 16, 2024
March 17, 2025
April 21, 2025
All sessions are held in-person at SCOE from 12:30 - 2:30 PM.
Participants will engage in:
- Addressing the needs of multilingual-English learners: newcomers, long-term English learners (LTEL), at risk of becoming long-term English learners (AR-LTEL), students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE), refugee and immigrant youth.
- Building partnerships/network among EL coordinators, administrators and ELD teacher leaders within the Sacramento County.
- Have ongoing collegial support, access resources and implement and share best practices.
- Developing strategies to establish equitable services for multilingual-English learners by targeting their varying needs.
- Meaning making on how to address current laws, policies and practices.
- Measuring progress, collecting data and setting benchmarks to increase multilingual-English learner reclassification rates.
Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Teacher Leaders, TOSAs, English Learner Coordinators and ELD Teachers
Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions of the eELc.
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Starts: 9/16/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 4 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats
Receive a comprehensive overview of the program to understand how it supports and develops English Learners’ abilities to write journalistic articles Experience the standards-aligned curriculum's critical instructional strategies and routines to develop oral and written language Examine key aspects of the curriculum that foster EL's engagement and interaction through analysis of video lessons Identify program features that help prevent Long-Term English Learner status.
new to the Journalism program.
Virtual 8:30- 11:30
In-person 8:30 am-3:00 pm
Starts: 9/24/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Room C
Status: 23 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats
Foundations of a Meaningful Multilingual-English Learner Master Plan
This session will focus on developing an English Learner Master Plan (ELMP) that builds on the collective commitment of the district or charter to develop an equitable, coherent, and sustainable system of services for multilingual students. Participants will engage with elements of The English Learner Master Plan Playbook and California EL Roadmap Implementation Guides and Toolkits for Administrators, as well as a multitude of other resources that build participants' capacity to intentionally lead for equity for multilingual students. LEAs and Charters at all stages in their development of their ELMP are invited to attend this session.
Participants will walk away with the elements of a solid ELMP.
October 10, 2024
9:00 AM- 11:00 AM (Virtual)
Site Administrators, District Teams, EL Leaders
Presented By:
Sonoma County Office of Education
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 10/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Status: 79 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats
Dual Language Learners: A Toolkit for Preschool/TK Directors and School Leaders
A Preschool Toolkit for Dual Language Learners
California’s two recent historic policies – the CA Master Plan for Early Learning and Care, and the English Learner Roadmap – together serve as a potent call to action underscoring a deep commitment to early childhood education, affirming the need to explicitly address the cultural and linguistic diversity of the majority of our state’s young children, confirming responsibility for meaningful access and equity, and calling for investments in building capacity and systems to deliver coherent and quality early childhood programs and services across our state. Dual language learners now comprise a majority of young children in our state. This professional learning opportunity is designed for school leaders who now embrace TK and preschool programs on their site and for preschool program directors across a mixed delivery system. Using the framework of the four EL Roadmap Principles, the series will delve into developmentally appropriate and culturally/ linguistically supportive early education approaches. Drawing upon a new Toolkit, leaders will work with a series of readings, tools, activities, case studies and other resources to build understanding of young DLLs, knowledge about effective programs and practices, and approaches to plan and create the early education classrooms and programs and systems to center Dual Language Learners, and that leverage, affirm and develop their multiple language and cultural assets as part of healthy development and learning.
Audience: For administrators, site leaders with TK programs, and preschool program directors
In Person Sessions:
November 5, 2024
8:30AM-3:00 PM
November 13, 2024
8:30AM-3:00 PM
Facilitated by Californians Together
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Starts: 11/5/2024
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 31 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats
Centralizing the Needs of English Learners: ELD for Elementary Teachers and Administrators Institute
Equitable access to a comprehensive education including both integrated and designated English language development (ELD) instruction is a civil right for English learners. These six sessions, with embedded pre-work, will support teachers in designing responsive designated ELD lessons that build upon students’ knowledge across the disciplines.
Teachers will expand their understanding of backward planning to identify English learners’ strengths and needs to provide targeted language instruction. Through this work, teachers will develop the tools needed to create the academic conditions students need to flourish.
A Six-Session Institute continued from 2023-2024.
New registrants are welcome to attend; access to previous materials will be provided.
Session 4:
November 6, 2024
3:30-5:30 PM
Session 5:
January 16, 2025
3:30-5:30 PM
Session 6:
March 6, 2025
3:30-5:30 PM
Classroom Teachers, Site Administrators, EL Leaders
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 11/6/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Status: 63 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats
Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Dual Language Immersion Training of Trainers Cohort #1
Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching. This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement. During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process. In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process. Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.
LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community
LEARN with and from each other
LEAD your ELs to success
Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)
January 9, 2025
In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #1 Only)
January 23, 2025
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)
February 4, 2025
9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 1/9/2025
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD
Status: 21 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats
Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Dual Language Immersion Training of Trainers Cohort #2
Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching. This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement. During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process. In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process. Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.
LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community
LEARN with and from each other
LEAD your ELs to success
Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)
January 9, 2025
In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #2 Only)
January 30, 2025
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)
February 4, 2025
9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 1/9/2025
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD
Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats
Integrated and Designated ELD for Secondary Teachers
The sessions will be framed by the four principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focus primarily on deepening knowledge about the implementation of quality teaching and learning practices for multilingual students. The Strand will feature guidance provided in key California Department of Education resources, including the English Learner Roadmap policy, ELD Standards, ELA-ELD Framework, and Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice.
We recognize the importance of holding spaces for in-person interaction. Therefore, for session 1, we invite you to engage with our 3D model:
Develop knowledge of multilingual support
Discuss to deepen understanding in providing meaningful access
Dine with colleagues and build relationships
Session 1: Option of in-person Session Or Virtual Session
In-person Session 1:
January 13, 2025
4:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Virtual Session 1:
January 15, 2025
4 PM- 6 PM
Sessions 2-4 are virtual
Session 2: Virtual
February 3, 2025
4 PM-6 PM
Session 3: Virtual
March 3, 2025
4 PM-6 PM
Session 4: Virtual
April 7, 2025
4 PM-6 PM
Secondary Teachers and Teacher Leaders in All Content Areas, EL Leaders
Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.
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Starts: 1/13/2025
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 96 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats
Strategies for Elementary Integrated and Designated ELD
How can teachers easily and effectively build language proficiency for their English learner/emergent bilingual students throughout their daily lessons?
This interactive four-session series provides teachers with a construct and set of strategies that can be effectively integrated into existing lessons and practices. Aligned to Principle 2 of the English Learner Roadmap and the English Learner Toolkit of Strategies, participants will learn to effectively identify and address the strengths and needs of English learner/emergent bilingual students by providing targeted scaffolds and supports. Participants will develop strategies to actively engage students in all four language domains (listening, reading, speaking and writing), deepening students’ use of sophisticated academic language and tapping into their linguistic genius. Teachers will be prepared with tools and resources to implement in their classrooms.
Note: This event is geared toward elementary educators; however, the concepts could be valuable to secondary teachers and coaches seeking a deeper understanding of ELD.
Session #1
January 21, 2025
3:30-5:30 PM
Session #2
February 6, 2025
3:30-5:30 PM
Session #3
March 11, 2025
3:30-5:30 PM
Session #4
April 3, 2025
3:30-5:30 PM
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Starts: 1/21/2025
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Status: 96 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats