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24-25 Hybrid Book Study- Creating Equitable Early Learning Environments for Young Boys of Color SCOE

Join the Early Learning Department and the California Preschool Instructional Network, in this insightful and synergistic book study.


Training modules are geared toward parents/families, educators, community members, Administrative teams and an others supporting young boys of color and their families. 


Through the training modules, participants will learn: 

Foundational skills to establish strong, positive, responsive relationships between young boys of color and their families, educators and communities

Knowledge about systemic racism and structural barriers that create implicit biases and seek to disrupt the systems

Impacts of frequent experiences with bias and racism on brain development

Strategies for mindful reflection and use of love as core element of a strength-based, responsive early education

Use of emotionally attuned interactions to foster positive relationships

Instructional and culturally responsive practices that communicate, love, respect and genuine care 


In-person and virtual (via Zoom) training sessions will meet once a month, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the following eight (8) Tuesdays:

October 29th, 2024 (in-person @SCOE, Room C)

November 19th, 2024 - virtual

December 3rd, 2024 - virtual

January 14th, 2025 - virtual

February 11th, 2025 - virtual

March 18th, 2025 - virtual

April 22nd, 2025 - virtual

May 6th, 2025 (in-person @SCOE, Mather Room)


Instructions for in-person sessions (Session #1 and session #8)

Upon arrival to the Sacramento County Office of Education, David P. Meaney Education Center, 10474 Mather Boulevard, Mather, CA 95655, please check-in to the building by using one of two kiosks located at the reception desk of the building  and completing the "visitor survey".


Instructions for virtual sessions (Sessions #2 through #7)

Zoom meeting login information will be emailed to registered participants the Friday before the first virtual session.


For additional information, please contact


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Starts: 7/15/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC (First and last session) and virtual (sessions 2 through 7, via Zoom)
10474 Mather Boulevard
Mather CA 95655
Status: 13 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats

Multilingual-EL Cross Departmental Meeting

This is an internal SCOE staff offering only.

A facilitated process of bringing together staff across divisions to make meaning of the English Learner Roadmap policy and its application to endeavors across-departments within the county office - helping to develop a shared vision and plan for infusing the Roadmap into work with LEAs. Each year of the grant, this cross-division group is reconvened to reflect upon progress and refine plans for coherent and meaningful implementation of the Roadmap across the County Office work.

Session 1: 08/26/24


Session 2: 01/13/25


Sesssion 3: 05/19/25


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Starts: 8/26/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 26 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

OL&LA Sessions-Registration by Invitation Only


OL&LA (Online Language & Literacy Academy) personalizes professional learning for literacy by integrating evidence-based reading instruction, second-language acquisition research, and CORE’s nationally acclaimed Teaching Reading Sourcebook. This Structured Literacy course is specifically tailored for educators in language-diverse classrooms that include Multilingual Learners, English variety speakers, and students with dyslexia.

Be sure to check all four sessions when registering.

August 28, 2024, 4:00 pm-5:00 pm-In person, SCOE Board Room, 10474 Mather Boulevard, Mather, CA

September 25, 2024, 3:30 pm-4:30 pm-Virtual

November 6, 2024, 3:30 pm-4:30 pm-Virtual

December 18, 2024, 3:30 pm-4:30 pm-Virtual

What to expect from the course:

  • 9 asynchronous, self-paced modules, learning materials to be picked up at SCOE

  • 4-5 hours per module (9 modules) totaling approximately 45 hours

  • One in-person kick-off session

  • Three 1-hour face-to-face Zoom meetings following Module 3, 6, and 9

What we can expect from participants:

  • $25 cost

  • A commitment to fully participate and complete the course in the time allotted

  • Attend all live sessions


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Starts: 8/28/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $25

Status: 0 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats


California Serves Integrated Action Civics Project Professional Learning

The Sacramento County Office of Education, San Juan USD, and Gateway CC are partering with the UC Berkely History-Social Science Project to offer a professional learning series on the Integrated Action Civics Project (IACP). IACP is a unique framework, developed by UCBHSSP and the Santa Clara COE, that integrates classroom-tested strategies into existing course curricula. Through this framework, students:


  • Develop civic skills through the study of K-12 course content.
  • Explore historical case studies to learn how people work toward social change. 
  • Apply change-analysis lenses and strategies in the study of historical and contemporary issues to develop the skills needed to examine root causes, power relations, stake/rights-holders, strategies and actions for change.

Along with building these analytical skills, the IACP framework highlights strategies to support deep student reflection and development of their 'sense of self.' We hope you will join us to learn more about this powerful framework and the ways teachers can easily integrate the strategies into their existing curriculum as well as supporting specific student civic engagement projects. 

As this is offered as part of the California Serves Grant, a partnership between SCOE, SJUSD, and GCC, priority enrollment will be given to teachers employed by those LEAs. 

Dates and Times:

9/5/24: 4-6pm-Virtual

9/28/24: 9am-3pm-In-Person

10/24/24: 4-6pm-Virtual

12/5/24: 4-6pm-Virtual

2/1/25: 9am-3pm-In-person

2/27/25: 4-6pm-Virtual

3/27/25: 4-6pm-Virtual

Note: In-Person sessions will be at Choices Charter; 4425 Laurelwood Way, Sacramento.



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Starts: 9/5/2024
Sessions: 7
Pricing: $0

Status: 26 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Integrated ELD Training of Trainers Cohort #1

Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching.  This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement.  During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process.   In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process.  Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.


LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community

LEARN with and from each other

LEAD your ELs to success


Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)

September 10, 2024


 In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #1 Only)

September 19, 2024

8:00 AM- 4:00 PM 

Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)

November 14, 2025

9:00 AM- 12:00 PM


Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 9/10/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: An elementary school in the Sacramento area

Status: 1 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats


Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Integrated ELD Training of Trainers Cohort #2

Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching.  This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement.  During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process.   In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process.  Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.


LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community

LEARN with and from each other

LEAD your ELs to success


Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)

September 10, 2024


 In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #2 Only)

November 7, 2024

8:00 AM- 4:00 PM 

Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)

November 14, 2025

9:00 AM- 12:00 PM


Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 9/10/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: An elementary school in the Sacramento area

Status: 7 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

LCRSET CRLP Literacy Leadership Training Series-Tuesday Mornings

This four-part professional development series is focused on the literacy leadership fundamentals for supporting the coaching and teaching of reading. The sessions are grounded in the California Reading and Literature Project's Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency. By the end of the series, administrators will gain practical strategies and tools for leaders to foster conditions for success and drive continuous improvement in reading and literacy outcomes at their school sites. This knowledge will empower participants to better support their literacy teams in achieving the goals outlined in the LCRSET Literacy Plan.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/Site Administrators and Grant Leads.

Session Dates

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/10/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 741 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

LCRSET CRLP Literacy Leadership Training Series-Tuesday Afternoons

This four-part professional development series is focused on the literacy leadership fundamentals for supporting the coaching and teaching of reading. The sessions are grounded in the California Reading and Literature Project's Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency. By the end of the series, administrators will gain practical strategies and tools for leaders to foster conditions for success and drive continuous improvement in reading and literacy outcomes at their school sites. This knowledge will empower participants to better support their literacy teams in achieving the goals outlined in the LCRSET Literacy Plan.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/Site Administrators and Grant Leads.

Session Dates

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/10/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 833 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

LCRSET CRLP Literacy Leadership Training Series-Wednesday Mornings

This four-part professional development series is focused on the literacy leadership fundamentals for supporting the coaching and teaching of reading. The sessions are grounded in the California Reading and Literature Project's Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency. By the end of the series, administrators will gain practical strategies and tools for leaders to foster conditions for success and drive continuous improvement in reading and literacy outcomes at their school sites. This knowledge will empower participants to better support their literacy teams in achieving the goals outlined in the LCRSET Literacy Plan.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/Site Administrators and Grant Leads.

Session Dates

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/11/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 835 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

LCRSET CRLP Literacy Leadership Training Series-Wednesday Afternoons

This four-part professional development series is focused on the literacy leadership fundamentals for supporting the coaching and teaching of reading. The sessions are grounded in the California Reading and Literature Project's Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency. By the end of the series, administrators will gain practical strategies and tools for leaders to foster conditions for success and drive continuous improvement in reading and literacy outcomes at their school sites. This knowledge will empower participants to better support their literacy teams in achieving the goals outlined in the LCRSET Literacy Plan.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/Site Administrators and Grant Leads.

Session Dates

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/11/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 874 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

SCOE U: Transformative SEL Adult Learning Series (SCOE Only)

Hello SCOE Leaders! We are excited to share our Transformative SEL (tSEL) Adult Learning Series, which was developed in partnership with CASEL (Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning). This is a dynamic and engaging in-person learning series developed for leaders here at SCOE, and will deepen your understanding of the five focal constructs of tSEL- Curiosity, Identity, Belonging, Agency, and Collaborative Problem-Solving. Not only will you expand on your own knowledge, you will have valuable collaboration time with colleagues to reflect on how to bring this learning to your team in a way that will strengthen your ability to impact the students, families, and partners we serve at SCOE.

Who: Any leaders, or aspiring leaders, from all departments across SCOE

When: 11:00-1:00 (lunch will be served)- from September 12 through November 21 (plan to attend all 6 sessions as a series)

Where: David P. Meaney Education Center at SCOE (In person only)

Session 1, 9/12: Room C

Session 2, 9/26: Room A

Session 3, 10/15:Room A

Session 4, 10/24: Room C

Session 5, 11/7: Room C

Session 6, 11/21: Room A

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Starts: 9/12/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC

10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats


Multilingual Education Leadership Network (mELn)

The Sacramento County Office of Education hosts quarterly meetings for Coordinators of English Learner programs in Sacramento County. Administrators from districts throughout the Capital Service Region (Region 3) are welcome to attend.

The purpose of these meetings is to provide timely, relevant, and reliable information on English Learner legislation such as the Every Student Succeeds Act and policy such as the English Learner Roadmap implementation.

Additionally, meetings offer best practices to meet state and federal accountability requirements and resources for assisting districts to increase student achievement across all subgroups. Staff from the California Department of Education and other agencies are frequently invited to present new information and answer questions. Participants value the opportunity to collaborate and share information with colleagues from other districts. Members are asked to disseminate information provided to them during meetings to the schools in their districts.

Event Meeting Details:

Thursday, September 12, 2024  

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Thursday, March 13, 2025 ***Virtual***

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Thursday,  May 15, 2025 ***Virtual***

12:30 PM- 3:30 PM 

Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions.

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Starts: 9/12/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC

10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 2 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Secondary English Learner Collaborative (sELc)

The sELc is a learning community among English Learner Coordinators/ Administrators districts and charters that serve secondary (7–12) grades to collaboratively learn about how to establish equitable services and programs for English learners.

Participants will:

• Participate in bimonthly meetings to discuss ongoing programs and services at the middle and high school levels.

• Focus on addressing the needs of multilingual-English learners: Newcomers, Long-Term English Learners (LTEL), At Risk of becoming Long-Term English Learners (AR-LTEL), Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE), Refugee and Immigrant Youth.

• Build partnerships/network among EL coordinators, administrators, and ELD teacher leaders within the Sacramento County.

• Have ongoing collegial support, access coordinated resources, implement, and share best practices.

• Develop strategies to establish equitable services for secondary English learners by targeting their varying needs.

• Make meaning on how to address current laws, policies, and practices at the secondary level.

• Measure progress collect data and set benchmarks to increase English Learner reclassification rates.

In-Person Event Meeting Details: 9:00 AM-11:30 AM

  • September 16, 2024
  • December 16, 2024
  • March 17, 2025
  • April 21, 2025

Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Teacher Leaders, TOSAs, English Learner Coordinators and ELD Teachers

Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions.

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Starts: 9/16/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Elementary English Learner Collaborative (eELc)

This elementary learning community among teacher leaders, coordinators and administrators from districts and charters collaboratively focuses on how to establish equitable services and programs for multilingual-English learners.

Session Dates:

September 16, 2024

December 16, 2024

March 17, 2025

April 21, 2025

All sessions are held in-person at SCOE from 12:30 - 2:30 PM. 

Participants will engage in:

  • Addressing the needs of multilingual-English learners: newcomers, long-term English learners (LTEL), at risk of becoming long-term English learners (AR-LTEL), students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE), refugee and immigrant youth.
  • Building partnerships/network among EL coordinators, administrators and ELD teacher leaders within the Sacramento County.
  • Have ongoing collegial support, access resources and implement and share best practices.
  • Developing strategies to establish equitable services for multilingual-English learners by targeting their varying needs. 
  • Meaning making on how to address current laws, policies and practices.
  • Measuring progress, collecting data and setting benchmarks to increase multilingual-English learner reclassification rates.

Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Teacher Leaders, TOSAs, English Learner Coordinators and ELD Teachers

Note: Your registration will automatically register you for all sessions of the eELc.

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Starts: 9/16/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 3 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Me, You, We: How SEL is Aligned with Positive Sports Culture

This comprehensive three-part series intended for Coaches, Athletic Directors and sports administrators is designed to highlight how the core competencies of Social Emotional Learning are aligned with the best practices of coaching. The participants will gain an under standing of the CASEL Competencies, positive coaching strategies, and how to recognize the SEL strategies present in sports culture.

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Starts: 9/17/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room A
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 27 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

LCRSET Expert Webinar

The LCRSET Grant, in partnership with Glean Education, will be hosting a four-part Expert Webinar Series featuring Dr. Daryl Michel, co-author of the book, Student-Focused Coaching.

Coaches, Reading Specialists, educators interested in becoming literacy coaches and/or reading specialists, site administrators should attend this series 


  • Session 1

    • September 17, 2024:  Getting Started with Student-Focused Coaching

  • Session 2: 

    • November 7, 2024:  Student-Focused Coaching: In the Work 

  • Session 3:

    • January 16, 2025: Student-Focused Coaching: Building Sustainability 

  • Session 4:

    • March 6, 2025: Student-Focused Coaching: Sharing the Leadership


*Please note you are registering for all four sessions in the series. 

**Educators at at LCRS sites will receive the book either at the August coach convening or following session one


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Starts: 9/17/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Virtual

Status: 358 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

SCOE U: Foundations of Systems Thinking (SCOE Only)

This series will provide an introduction for building capacity and systems thinking. The focus will be systems concepts, habits of a systems thinker, level 1 system thinking tools, and the application of a systems thinker approach to the work environment. Workshops will be hands on,  experiential, and integrated with current work.

Registration for all three is strongly recommended:

September 18th – 8:30-11:30 am- SCOE Conference Center

  • November 7th - 8:30-11:30 am- Schools Insurance

  • April 10th - 8:30-11:30 am- Mather


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Starts: 9/18/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 39 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats


2024-25 Attendance and Engagement Network Meetings

These Network meetings are designed for district teams leading Attendance and Engagement work. Each Network meeting builds upon another. We encourage you to select a team that can attend all three sessions.


8:30 am - 9:00 am - Breakfast Social and Networking

9:00 am - 11:30 am - Network Meeting


Location: TBD

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Starts: 9/19/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 85 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Expanded Learning - Building Communities of Inclusivity and Belonging

Participants will learn about accessibility and inclusivity and explore how to create these environments in expanded learning programs.

Number of Days: 4


Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Dates: September 19, 2024

            September 26, 2024

            October 3, 2024

            October 11, 2024

Lunch will be provided

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Starts: 9/19/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 90 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

STEM Network Meeting

Join us for our STEM Network Meeting. All those involved in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math are encouraged to network with other STEM facilitators and share resources. You may attend one or all days hosted by the Curriculum & Instruction STEM Team and the College and Career Readiness team. This is a free opportunity to meet and connect with fellow STEM enthusiasts.

Each session will have a different theme/focus.

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Starts: 9/20/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC

10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats


The Institute is designed for district/school teams to:
Receive a comprehensive overview of the program to understand how it supports and develops English  Learners’ abilities to write journalistic articles Experience the standards-aligned curriculum's critical instructional strategies and routines to develop oral and written language Examine key aspects of the curriculum that foster EL's engagement and interaction through analysis of video lessons Identify program features that help prevent Long-Term English Learner status. 
Gather your team:
Team members may be comprised of (1) District EL Director/Coordinator; (2) personnel identified to provide professional development to Journalism Program instructors; and (3) lead instructors/instructors
new to the Journalism program.
Dates and Times 
Sept. 24, 2024 and Feb. 6, 2025
Virtual 8:30- 12:30

Oct. 17, 2024
In-person 8:30 am-3:00 pm
April 3, 2025
Virtual 9-11 AM
The time commitment between sessions ranges from 5-10 hours.
This project is for the Region 3: Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba.
Please follow the link to the interest form and flyer: 
Limited to 25 participants 
Selected teams will be sent a notification email that includes a link to register for the ToT. If you have any questions about this professional learning opportunity, please contact us at    
*Please note, teams from Region 3 working with their COE are given priorities with admissions, but all are welcome to apply. 
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Starts: 9/24/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 16 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

LCRSET CRLP Literacy Coach Expert Training Series-Tuesdays

The CA Reading and Literature Project’s Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency is designed specifically for LCRSET Coaches and Reading Specialists. Over four sessions we will dive into the CCSS for Foundational Skills (print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, sight words, and fluency) through 11 modules that explore the Science of Reading, instruction, intervention, spelling, differentiation, and coaching.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/SiteCoaches, LEA/Site Reading Specialists, Lead Teachers, and/or Designees.

Session Dates

September 24, 2024

November 12, 2024

January 28, 2025

March 18, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/24/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 766 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

Navigating Equity with Adult SEL

Engaging in conversations about equity can be challenging, as we may experience strong and uncomfortable emotions. To reach our collective goal of creating equitable and inclusive environments, we must develop the skills to regulate our emotions, center curiosity, and move beyond our comfort zones. In this two-part series, we will explore how to navigate discomfort and strengthen adult SEL skills when engaging in conversations around equity, identity, and belonging. Participants will practice tools and strategies to center curiosity and move through discomfort.
Part 1
Navigating Equity with Adult SEL:  Leaning into Curiosity
September 24, 2024, 10-12pm
Location: Zoom
Part 2
Navigating Equity with Adult SEL: Part 2 - Beyond Comfort
October 8, 2024, 10-12pm
Location: Zoom
Sessions will be facilitated by Mary Reed, Coordinator of SEL, and Veronica Ruiz, Coordinator of Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice. These sessions are open to educators across the county. 
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Starts: 9/24/2024
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0

Status: 18 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats


LCRSET CRLP Literacy Coach Expert Training Series-Wednesdays

The CA Reading and Literature Project’s Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency is designed specifically for LCRSET Coaches and Reading Specialists. Over four sessions we will dive into the CCSS for Foundational Skills (print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, sight words, and fluency) through 11 modules that explore the Science of Reading, instruction, intervention, spelling, differentiation, and coaching.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/SiteCoaches, LEA/Site Reading Specialists, Lead Teachers, and/or Designees.

Session Dates

September 25, 2024

November 13, 2024

January 29, 2025

March 19, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/25/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 758 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

LCRSET CRLP Literacy Coach Expert Training Series-Thursdays

The CA Reading and Literature Project’s Signature Course Results: Word Recognition and Fluency is designed specifically for LCRSET Coaches and Reading Specialists. Over four sessions we will dive into the CCSS for Foundational Skills (print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics, sight words, and fluency) through 11 modules that explore the Science of Reading, instruction, intervention, spelling, differentiation, and coaching.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/SiteCoaches, LEA/Site Reading Specialists, Lead Teachers, and/or Designees.

Session Dates

September 26, 2024

November 14, 2024

January 30, 2025

March 20, 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 9/26/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 757 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

Sacramento County Community Schools Community of Practice (CoP)

Please join us for a community of practice focused on the planning and implementation of Community Schools. This will be a space to build community, highlight bright spots, bring forward problems of practice, recieve technical assistance, share resources, and learn about statewide updates. 


This CoP is for Sacramento County educators, including principals, teachers, paraeducators, coordinators, and District and County Office of Education (COE) leaders. 



·September 30th, 2024

·October 28th, 2024

·November 18th, 2024

·January 27th, 2025

·February 24th, 2025

·March 31st, 2025

·April 28th, 2025

·May 19th, 2025


Time: 11:00am-12:00pm via Z oom 

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Starts: 9/30/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 14 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

SCOE U: Conversational Spanish for Beginners (SCOE Only)

¡Hola! We invite you to learn common phrases and language to use with colleagues, family and friends.  

Join us for a fun conversational practice using everyday language, sharing about yourself, and 

expand your vocabulary with new words and phrases.

Embark on a joyful journey in the Spanish language making new friends! ¡Vamonos!


Participants will develop speaking and listening skills that can be used in personal and professional settings.

Three part series 9/30/24, 10/14/24, 10/21/24


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Starts: 9/30/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0

Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

Growth HEARTSET Education

Participants will learn strategies for self-awareness (mindfullness), emotional self-management (or self-care), relationship building, and empathetic listening.


DATES:  10/1/24, 10/8/24, 10/15/24, 10/22/24

TIME: 10:00am - 11:30am

LOCATION: ZOOM *link will be sent prior to session.


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Starts: 10/1/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0

Status: 1 open seats left
Class Size: 22 seats

24-25 Hybrid Book Study- Creating Equitable Early Learning Environments for Young Boys of Color LRCC

Join the Early Learning Department and the California Preschool Instructional Network in this insightful and synergistic book study.


Training modules are geared toward parents/families, educators, community members, Administrative teams and an others supporting young boys of color and their families. 


Through the training modules, participants will learn: 

Foundational skills to establish strong, positive, responsive relationships between young boys of color and their families, educators, and communities

Knowledge about systemic racism and structural barriers that create implicit biases and seek to disrupt the systems

Impacts of frequent experiences with bias and racism on brain development

Strategies for mindful reflection and use of love as core element of a strength-based, responsive early education

Use of emotionally attuned interactions to foster positive relationships

Instructional and culturally responsive practices that communicate, love, respect, and genuine care 


In-person and virtual (via Zoom) training sessions will meet once a month, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the following eight (8) Fridays:

September 27th, 2024 (In-person, Cosumnes River College Child Development Center- 8401 Center Parkway, Sacramento CA 95823, Room 126)

October 4th, 2024 (Virtual)

October 11th, 2024 (Virtual)

October 18th, 2024 (Virtual)

November 1st, 2024 (Virtual)

November 15th, 2024 (Virtual)

December 6th, 2024 (Virtual)

December 13th (In person, American River College Child Development Center, 4700 College Oak Drive, Sacramento CA 95841)


Instructions for in-person sessions (Session #1 and session #8)

Session #1

Daily Parking Permits
•    There is a parking structure on site that requires a $2.00 parking pass. 
•    Daily Permits cost $2 and can be purchased from designated kiosks only.
•    Daily Permits from the off-campus Centers are not valid at the Main Campus lots.
•    Campus map 

Session #8

Daily Parking Permits
•    Pull into parking lot and proceed to the CDC in back.  
•    Daily Permits cost $2 and can be purchased from designated kiosks only.
•    Daily Permits from the off-campus Centers are not valid at the Main Campus lots.
•    Campus map

Instructions for virtual sessions (Session #2 through #7)

Zoom meeting login information will be emailed to registered participants the Friday before the first virtual session.


For additional information, please contact

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Starts: 10/4/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Los Rios Community College District (Cosumnes River College CDC & American River College CDC, sessions 1 & 8) and Virtual (Via Zoom, sessions 2 through 7)

Status: 5 open seats left
Class Size: 28 seats


How SEL and Restorative Practices support School Counseling

This session is targeted for school counselors and will provide insight into how school counselors can use SEL and Restorative Practices to guide their work. Foundations of SEL, RP, and the ASCA National Model will be highlighted to make connections between the three. 

Please attend one of the two available dates for the training session. 

*In-person only workshop

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Starts: 10/8/2024
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 19 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats

LCRSET Coach Network

Literacy Coaches and Reading Specialists will collaborate across four sessions a year facilitated by LCRSET Hub Leads to hone their literacy content knowledge and coaching skills. Using a student-focused coaching model, these sessions will provide opportunities for participants to support their sites with the implementation and monitoring of their Literacy Plan goals and actions.

Coaches and Reading Specialists will explore practices tailored to address the unique needs of different contexts. There will be ample time for sharing successes, collectively solving problems of practice, and networking with peers. Through this dynamic and enriching professional development experience, Literacy Coaches and Reading Specialists will deepen their expertise and develop strategies to effectively guide their school sites in achieving their literacy objectives. The collaborative nature of the sessions, including opportunities for networking, will foster the exchange of ideas and collective problem-solving to drive continuous improvement in support of student literacy growth.

This is designed for LCRS Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists, Lead Teachers, and/or Designee.

Session Dates

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday, April 8, 2025


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Starts: 10/8/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 951 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 2 out of 9

Focusing on Learning

and Building Family

Engagment Systems 


This session enhances the Dual Capacity Framework, delves into the "Unlocking tne How" report, and offers tools for effective family partnerships. 


Date: Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 10/9/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 11 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

Foundations of a Meaningful Multilingual-English Learner Master Plan

This session will focus on developing an English Learner Master Plan (ELMP) that builds on the collective commitment of the district or charter to develop an equitable, coherent, and sustainable system of services for multilingual students. Participants will engage with elements of The English Learner Master Plan Playbook and California EL Roadmap Implementation Guides and Toolkits for Administrators, as well as a multitude of other resources that build participants' capacity to intentionally lead for equity for multilingual students.  LEAs and Charters at all stages in their development of their ELMP are invited to attend this session.

Participants will walk away with the elements of a solid ELMP. 


October 10, 2024

9:00 AM- 11:00 AM (Virtual)



Site Administrators, District Teams, EL Leaders


Presented By:

Sonoma County Office of Education


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 10/10/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0

Status: 55 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Creating Inclusive Spaces: Accessibility in Meetings and Trainings

Discover practical strategies for fostering inclusivity and accessibility in meetings and trainings. Learn Universal Design principles, explore assistive technologies, and develop effective communication techniques to ensure participation from all attendees. Through interactive exercises, understand accessibility challenges and compliance standards. 


Participants will: 

1. Understand Universal Design principles and their application in meeting and training environments.

2. Explore assistive technologies and digital tools to enhance accessibility.

3. Develop communication strategies for inclusive information delivery.

4. Engage in hands-on exercises to simulate accessibility challenges and explore solutions collaboratively.

5. Gain knowledge of legal requirements and best practices for meeting accessibility standards. 


Leave empowered to create inclusive, welcoming spaces for all participants.

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Starts: 10/14/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 22 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats

LCRSET Family and Community Engagement

Over four sessions, participants will explore and learn about ways to engage with their families and communities to support literacy development in alignment with CDE’s Family Engagement Toolkit. Participants will apply learnings to the Literacy Plan though a continuous improvement model.

Audience: LCRS Site Administrators, LEA Grant Lead, Site Literacy Team, Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists, Community and Family Liaisons, Curriculum Directors, and other team members as appropriate.

Session Dates

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday, May 5, 2025


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Starts: 10/14/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 945 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part One: Shifting to a Thinking Classroom (Option 3 - 10/15/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches beginning or refining their initial implementation of Chapters 1-8 & 12

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that build the culture of your thinking classroom.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner

  • Explore the first 8 practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into true cognitive engagement

  • Gain valuable resources as you plan for implementation and explore ready-to-go rich thinking tasks

  • Learn how to strategically embed SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) to unlock empathy while building self and social-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making

  • Begin your journey of courageous change

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 10/15/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 1 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

TK/K Network

The Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten Educator Network will be facilitated by members of the Sacramento County Office of Education’s team and will provide an opportunity to collaborate and share strategies and resources to address the needs of young learners.

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Starts: 10/15/2024
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0

Status: 62 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Maker Education Institute

The institute will host a cadre of educators and coaches who commit to not only attending the monthly meetings but also implementing the Maker Centered Learning curriculum in their classrooms. The monthly meetings will be a combination of a presentation of the academic foundations underpinning Maker Ed, Maker Centered activities for participants and debriefing by participants of their implementation activities.  The Institute will be a laboratory to test out Maker Centered Learning curriculum, a setting for educators to discuss best practices and learn from each other ways to successfully implement a Maker Centered Approach in the classroom.

Drawing upon various human-centered design approaches, which position empathy at the core of design processes, educators will experience ways that can be used to support Transformative Social Emotional Learning competencies and conditions for thriving. The goal of Maker Ed is student agency through teacher support and improving student mindfulness and well-being.

The Institute will be held at either Capital College & Career Academy or Folsom Lake College, Monthly from October 2024- May 2025. Dinner will be provded at 4:30 PM with the Program from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

Attend at least 6/8 sessions and you have the opportunity to receive a teacher kit valued up to $300.00!


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Starts: 10/15/2024
Sessions: 8
Pricing: $0
Location: SEE Description

Status: 19 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

CALPADS Watch Party & Networking

LEA Administrators and CALPADS Administrators are encouraged to attend the CALPADS Network together where we will share resources to support data quality and learn more about how CALPADS data impacts accountability


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Starts: 10/16/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 13 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part One: Shifting to a Thinking Classroom (Option 4 - 10/16/24)

IAudience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches beginning or refining their initial implementation of Chapters 1-8 & 12

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that build the culture of your thinking classroom.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner

  • Explore the first 8 practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into true cognitive engagement

  • Gain valuable resources as you plan for implementation and explore ready-to-go rich thinking tasks

  • Learn how to strategically embed SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) to unlock empathy while building self and social-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making

  • Begin your journey of courageous change

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 10/16/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 21 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Bridge Street Elementary AVID Showcase

Join Us to See AVID in Action! 

Superintendents, district leadership teams, school board members, teacher leaders, and principals are welcome! 

A strong AVID system transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college readiness for all students. We invite you to see how Bridge Street Elementary school, Yuba City Unified School District, is impacting all students by incorporating AVID instruction, systems, leadership, and culture across the entire campus. 

What Can You Expect from Your School Visit?

  • Observe the vertical and horizontal articulation of AVID strategies throughout all grade levels to support student success.
  • Learn how Writing Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading strategies are embedded across grade levels. 
  • Gain insight from teachers, students, and administrators.
  • See AVID Elementary in action in grades K-5.
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Starts: 10/17/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Bridge Street Elementary School
500 Bridge Street
Yuba City CA 95991
Status: 0 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part One: Shifting to a Thinking Classroom (Option 5 - 10/17/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches beginning or refining their initial implementation of Chapters 1-8 & 12

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that build the culture of your thinking classroom.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner

  • Explore the first 8 practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into true cognitive engagement

  • Gain valuable resources as you plan for implementation and explore ready-to-go rich thinking tasks

  • Learn how to strategically embed SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) to unlock empathy while building self and social-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making

  • Begin your journey of courageous change

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 10/17/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 22 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

District Systems for Community Schools - Session 1 out of 5

The goal of District Systems for Community Schoolss is to provide time and space for District staff who are implementation Community Schools to connect, support and advise each other. These sessions are responsive to the opportunties and challenges that particpants are facing and highly interactive. We look to Community Schools Forward Framework for structure and content, and draw heavily from each other's expereince.


Date: October 17th, 2024

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 10/17/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 6 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Creating Opportunities for Inclusivity and Belonging to Engage Every Family Series

Learn about how creating opportunities of inclusivity and belonging will engage more families, strengthen family and community engagement. Participants will engage in activites and experiences that enhance understanding of what it means to create spaces and places of belonging, and will learn how to design for variability for all.

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Starts: 10/17/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 11 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats

ELA/ELD Literacy Network

Join local Curriculum/Literacy Directors and Coordinators, LEA/Site Literacy Coaches and other Literacy Leaders as we learn together, tackle challenges, and share solutions.

Registration pass code: Literacy

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Starts: 10/21/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Virtual

Status: 22 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

SCOE U: Writing for Busy Readers (SCOE ONLY)

How can you ensure that your emails are read and your presentations are understood? What are some common pitfalls in written communication? This workshop will explore the six principles for effective communication based on Todd Rogers’ work, including a simple checklist for assessing your communication. Participants will have hands-on practice to explore concepts and revise samples.


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Starts: 10/22/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

An Overview of Preschool Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF)

California PTKLF

The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) describe the learning and development of most children ages three to five and a half years old in high-quality early education programs.

The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) outline key knowledge and skills that most children ages three to five and a half years old can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide preschool and transitional kindergarten (TK) educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program, whether it be in center-based, home-based, or TK settings.

The Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF) were originally released by the California Department of Education (CDE) in January 2008 (Volume 1), 2010 (Volume 2), and 2012 (Volume 3). In the 2021 Budget Bill, the CDE was given the authority to revise the PLF to reflect recent research in child development in all domains: Math, Language and Literacy, Science, Social-Emotional Development, History Social-Science, Health, Visual Performing Arts, and Physical Development.

California PTKLF Domains

The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program.

The foundations were revised using an inclusive and deliberative input process, including statewide educator focus groups, interest holder input sessions, and review by subject matter experts.

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Starts: 10/22/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 23 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

Professional Development with Dora Dome

Join us for four workshop opportunities!

The sessions on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 and Wednesday, March 5, 2025 will cover a wide range of topics including Student Discipline Basics, Expulsion Rehabilitation Plans and Readmission, and a brief overview of Title IX.

The session on Thursday, October 24, 2024 and Thursday, March 5, 2025 will be a deeper dive into Special Education and Title IX as they relate to Education Code and legislation.

These sessions are designed for site administrators and district leaders looking to grow their understanding and practices to decrease exclusionary practices.

**Participants are welcome to attend one or both sessions. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Dora Dome’s book, The Student Discipline Resource Binder will be provided for participants at the October 23, 2024 and March 4, 2025 sessions.**

Space is limited! Don’t miss out. Register today!

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Starts: 10/23/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0
Location: SCOE Locations

Status: 59 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Coaching and Managing Towards Equity: Designing Effective Meetings

This session is facilitated by the National Equity Project. It is designed for leaders, managers, supervisors, coaches, mentors, team leads, facilitators, and anyone who is charged with the privilege and responsibility for the learning, growth, and development of other adults in your system or organization. Educators from across the Sacramento region are encouraged to attend. 
Session Objectives:
  • Practice approaches for understanding, raising, and addressing equity issues through the practice of coaching
  • Reflect on who you are in this work and what skills and knowledge you need to be successful in your role as a leader, manager, supervisor
  • Deepen your understanding about what it means for you to support the learning, growth and development of another adult
  • Reflect on your coaching context and learn from the work of other coaches and leaders
  • Gain some tools and approaches and leave with a plan and approach for addressing some of the most pressing challenges in your work
  • Learn about, experience and practice using an Experiential Learning Cycle through an equity lens to plan for an upcoming meeting that you will lead
  • Explore what is required of a facilitator of adult learning addressing equity issues in your context and become familiar with tools and resources to support facilitation
  • Learn about the neuroscience of emotion to help you understand and respond to strong emotions in a group, especially when addressing equity issues
  • Engage strategies for supporting teams and groups to do equity-centered work
  • Gain new knowledge, tools and frameworks for facilitating teams and developing a positive group dynamic


This session will take place at SCOE in the Board Room. There is no cost to attend. Please reach out to Alexis Gomez ( with any questions. 

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Starts: 10/23/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 26 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats

Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 2 of 8

Leveraging Coherence

Towards a Vision for 

Teaching and Learning


Let's look at why it is important to have a shared vision of a learner in your Community School. How can you engage with this, who needs to be at the table and how can that profile be used to inform the work being done in a Community School?


Date: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Time: 3:00-4:30pm (virtual)

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Starts: 10/23/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 21 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

The DBQ Project: Engaging Students with Inquiry!

Engaging Students in Evidence-Based Writing with Inquiry AND Technology:

Educators will engage with DBQ Online, as a supplemental resourceto engage students in an evidence-based process of criticalthinking, inquiry and writing. The DBQ Online platform enhances thewell established DBQ Project print binders by creating anenvironment with built-in scaffolds, audio supports, interactiveannotation tools, Spanish translation (for most units), and a step-by-step Essay Builder. With these features in DBQ Online, teachersare provided tools that can customize teaching units to effectivelyprovide support for teaching and learning of ALL students.Meaningful interaction with content strategies will be emphasized.Specifically, audio support, and language and writing scaffolds to support listening, speaking andwriting skills.

The DBQ Project, in collaboration with the Sacramento County Office of Education, is pleased tooffer this FREE introductory professional development session. At the conclusion of the session,participants will have the option for a free preview account of DBQ Online, to explore the DBQProject library of units available to support teaching and learning.

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Starts: 10/23/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 27 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats

LCRSET Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles

The Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle is at the heart of successful implementation of Literacy Plan action steps in order to achieve your overall literacy goals for your students. You will engage in four PDSA cycles throughout the year with your site literacy teams to address a problem of practice identified in your Literacy Plan. 

During these collaborative sessions, you will go through the key steps of the PDSA process - planning a change idea and how to measure its success, implementing the change and collecting data, analyzing the results, and deciding whether to adopt, adapt, or abandon the idea based on your findings.

In addition to the PDSA work, you will have opportunities to network and learn from your peers across sites. By sharing successes, challenges, and strategies, you can collectively problem-solve and discover new approaches to drive continuous improvement in support of your literacy objectives.

By actively engaging in this iterative PDSA process and collaborative networking, you and your site literacy teams will develop the skills to effectively implement change and make data-driven decisions to support student literacy growth.

This is designed for LCRS LEA/Site Literacy Team. Teams include but are not limited to Grant Lead, Site Administrators, Grade Level Leads, Coaches, Reading Specialists and Parents.

Session Dates

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, May 1 2025

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 10/24/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 921 open seats left
Class Size: 1000 seats

Region 3 Arts Convening - 2024-25

Join us for our Region 3 Arts Convenings! We are excited to continue to bring our arts community together to build exemplary school-based programs in the Arts. Our continued focus will be the implementation of Prop 28, strengthening partnerships between schools, districts and arts non-profits, and to build connection to other programs.


For questions please contact:

Jasmine Gaviola at

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Starts: 10/25/2024
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: Multiple Locations

Status: 104 open seats left
Class Size: 120 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Two: Connecting to Curriculum & Closure (Option 4 - 10/29/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators and Coaches that have participated in Part One of this series OR have already read Chapters 1-8 in the book and are implementing those practices.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that ensure equitable access to grade-level content (Chapters 9-11):

  • Experience curricular tasks as a learner

  • Learn how to maintain FLOW by using hints & extensions asynchronously to create balance between challenge and ability

  • Explore the why, what, how, and when of consolidating a lesson

  • Shift your understanding Meaningful Notes as you consider the structure of making instead of taking notes

  • Gain valuable resources such as lesson examples, templates, and graphic organizers that help you move students through curricular outcomes with individual understanding


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 10/29/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 6 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Sacramento County READS: Coffee and Community

As part of the Sacramento County READS initiative, we will be hosting three virtual Coffee and Community listening sessions during the 2024-2025 school year. The Sacramento County READS team invites you to join us with your morning cup of coffee to chat about how the SCOE team can collaborate and support community-based organizations that are providing literacy services and tutoring in the Sacramento area. The goal of these listening sessions will be to listen and brainstorm ideas in order to determine how we can partner in this space.

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Starts: 10/29/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 100 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats


Building Thinking Classrooms Part Two: Connecting to Curriculum & Closure (Option 5 - 10/30/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators and Coaches that have participated in Part One of this series OR have already read Chapters 1-8 in the book and are implementing those practices.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that ensure equitable access to grade-level content (Chapters 9-11):

  • Experience curricular tasks as a learner

  • Learn how to maintain FLOW by using hints & extensions asynchronously to create balance between challenge and ability

  • Explore the why, what, how, and when of consolidating a lesson

  • Shift your understanding Meaningful Notes as you consider the structure of making instead of taking notes

  • Gain valuable resources such as lesson examples, templates, and graphic organizers that help you move students through curricular outcomes with individual understanding


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 10/30/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 26 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Behavior Solutions with Dr. Jessica Hannigan

Take strategic action to close the systemic behavior gap with the support of Behavior Solutions. Learn processes for developing systems to teach, support, assess and analyze student behavior. Foster social-emotional learning (SEL) by utilizing the PLC at Work® and RTI at Work™ processes to boost student metacognition and create an action plan for meeting student needs. Participants will receive a copy of the book Behavior Solutions by John Hannigan, Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, Mike Mattos, Austin Buffum.

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.

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Starts: 10/30/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Two: Connecting to Curriculum & Closure (Option 6 - 10/31/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators and Coaches that have participated in Part One of this series OR have already read Chapters 1-8 in the book and are implementing those practices.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that ensure equitable access to grade-level content (Chapters 9-11):

  • Experience curricular tasks as a learner

  • Learn how to maintain FLOW by using hints & extensions asynchronously to create balance between challenge and ability

  • Explore the why, what, how, and when of consolidating a lesson

  • Shift your understanding Meaningful Notes as you consider the structure of making instead of taking notes

  • Gain valuable resources such as lesson examples, templates, and graphic organizers that help you move students through curricular outcomes with individual understanding


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 10/31/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 22 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

SCOE SEL Community of Practices: Deepening Equity-Centered Systemic SEL

Building on the previous CoP themes of adult transformative SEL and student-facing tSEL practices, the 2024-2025 will feature a deepening of whole-systems implementation of equity-centered SEL across school systems. In this interactive CoP series, CASEL facilitators will guide teams and individuals through a process to deepen the understanding of systemic structures to support tSEL, tSEL and academic integration, Integration of tSEL and equity work, and to be prepared to take the key next steps in deepening tSEL implementation. Upon completion of the CoP series,  participants will have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities in the implementation of tSEL in their school/district, and each school/district will have a viable and impactful implementation plan tailored to their goals and priorities. 

Communty of Practice Goals: 

  • Offering a collaborative space for professional learning around SEL and connected equity efforts.
  • Providing ongoing networking and sharing of best practices
  • Integrating district/school action planning opportunities
  • Showcasing successful SEL efforts in districts/schools
  • Session 1: October 31, 2024
  • Session 2: December 12, 2024
  • Session 4: February 13, 2025
  • Session 5: April 3, 2025

First 100 attendees will receive the new book: Belonging Without Othering; How We Save Ourselves and the World by john a. powell and Stephen Menedian.

Light breakfast and lunch will be included. Please fill out the link of your participation in person or via zoom:

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Starts: 10/31/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 49 open seats left
Class Size: 120 seats

Creating Opportunities for Inclusivity & Belonging to Engage Every Family Series Interactive Lab

Join us for an interactive lab focused on designing and assessing inclusive spaces that are accessible to everyone. Participants will discover the top 6 tips for integrating accessibility into their work while evaluating their current spaces and practices. This hands-on session offers the opportunity to explore various tools, including a customizable self-assessment tool, and provides dedicated time for practical application. By the end of the lab, participants will have identified areas for quick and effective improvements and developed actionable plans to enhance accessibility.

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Starts: 11/1/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 33 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats

Dual Language Learners: A Toolkit for Preschool/TK Directors and School Leaders

A Preschool Toolkit for Dual Language Learners

California’s two recent historic policies – the CA Master Plan for Early Learning and Care, and the English Learner Roadmap – together serve as a potent call to action underscoring a deep commitment to early childhood education, affirming the need to explicitly address the cultural and linguistic diversity of the majority of our state’s young children, confirming responsibility for meaningful access and equity, and calling for investments in building capacity and systems to deliver coherent and quality early childhood programs and services across our state.  Dual language learners now comprise a majority of young children in our state. This professional learning opportunity is designed for school leaders who now embrace TK and preschool programs on their site and for preschool program directors across a mixed delivery system. Using the framework of the four EL Roadmap Principles, the series will delve into developmentally appropriate and culturally/ linguistically supportive early education approaches. Drawing upon a new Toolkit, leaders will work with a series of readings, tools, activities, case studies and other resources to build understanding of young DLLs, knowledge about effective programs and practices, and approaches to plan and create the early education classrooms and programs and systems to center Dual Language Learners, and that leverage, affirm and develop their multiple language and cultural assets as part of healthy development and learning.


Audience:  For administrators, site leaders with TK programs, and preschool program directors


In Person Sessions:

November 5, 2024

8:30AM-3:00 PM

November 13, 2024

8:30AM-3:00 PM

 Facilitated by Californians Together


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Starts: 11/5/2024
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats

Identity and Belonging

Join us as we explore our own identities and sense of belonging, and build an understanding of how identity and belonging impact well-being and academic engagement. This workshop is intended for anyone at a school or district site, particularly classroom teachers.


This is a 2-part workshop

First workshop is on November 5

Second Workshop is on December 4

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Starts: 11/5/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 41 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats

CALPADS Special Education Fall Roadshow

Special Education Data Fall Roadshow 2024

This session will cover:

  • Fall 1 CALPADS Data Submission and Reports

  • What’s new for Fall 1

  • State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report Indicators using Fall 1 data

  • Data for Annual Determinations Letter (ADL)

  • Monitoring Reports and Holding Timely Meetings

  • Looking ahead to 2025-26

  • Special education data coordinators, SELPA-level staff, and CALPADS administrators are encouraged to attend, particularly those with access to CALPADS, the local Special Education Data System, and the Student Information System.


Participants are encouraged to bring laptops if possible.


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Starts: 11/6/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 41 open seats left
Class Size: 200 seats

Centralizing the Needs of English Learners: ELD for Elementary Teachers and Administrators Institute

Equitable access to a comprehensive education including both integrated and designated English language development (ELD) instruction is a civil right for English learners. These six sessions, with embedded pre-work, will support teachers in designing responsive designated ELD lessons that build upon students’ knowledge across the disciplines. 


Teachers will expand their understanding of backward planning to identify English learners’ strengths and needs to provide targeted language instruction. Through this work, teachers will develop the tools needed to create the academic conditions students need to flourish. 


A Six-Session Institute continued from 2023-2024.

New registrants are welcome to attend; access to previous materials will be provided. 


Session 4:

November 6, 2024

3:30-5:30 PM

Session 5: 

January 16, 2025

3:30-5:30 PM

Session 6:

March 6, 2025

3:30-5:30 PM



Classroom Teachers, Site Administrators, EL Leaders

Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 11/6/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0

Status: 56 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Sacramento County READS

Join us in our SECOND session of year two of our countywide reading and literacy initiative that will be presented by Dr. Terrie Noland on November 7th! Dr. Noland will be discussing the topic: How to Lead from Where You Are: Navigating Influence and Decision-Making. 

The community of practice will be held four times during the 2024-2025 school year and is designated for LEA literacy leadership teams. Sessions will include keynote speakers, collaborative learning within and across LEAs, district spotlights, and team time. 

Suggested LEA Literacy Leadership Team members include Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Chief Academic Officers, Site Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and LEA Elementary and Secondary leaders in; Curriculum & Instruction, Equity, MTSS, Special Education, Multilingual Education, Early Learning, Expanded Learning, and Assessment & Research.


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Starts: 11/7/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 126 seats

Learning Together: A Community for Site Level Leads - Session 2 out of 8

Supporting Effective Teams


Sessions aligned with the scope and sequence of Community Schools implementation, consultation around problems of practice, and community building. 


Date: November 7th, 2024

Time: 9:30-11:30am (virtual) 

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Starts: 11/7/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 10 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 3 out of 9

Empathy Interviews:

The Power of Listening


Empathy interviews foster understanding through active listening, promoting meaningful connectiond and uncovering insights for effective problem-solving and collabration. 


Date: Wednesday, November 12th, 2024

Time: 9:00-12:00pm (in-person)

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Starts: 11/12/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova
11211 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova CA 95742
Status: 13 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

An Introduction to the 2023 Math Framework (Option 3 - 11/13/24)

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the 2023 Math Framework and engage in activities focused on the five components of equitable and engaging teaching for all students.

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Starts: 11/13/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $125
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

COE Network for Community Schools - Session 2 out of 5

Opportunities for County Office of Education team members to learn about state/regional updates, gather and share tools/resources, network and collabrate. 

It is highly reccomended but not required to attend all sessions. 



Date: November 15th, 2024

Time: 9:00am-2:00pm (in-person)


*This is only for County Office of Education staff*

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Starts: 11/15/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova
11211 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova CA 95742
Status: 4 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats

Sacramento Cal-SOAP Consortium Meeting

 The Sacramento Cal-SOAP Consortium meets on a quarterly basis to share best practices of college access and success activities to maximize resources and avoid duplication of services. Meeting of key stakeholders from county offices of education, higher education institutions, K–12 districts, community agencies and businesses. 

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Starts: 11/15/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 39 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats

An Overview of Preschool Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF)

California PTKLF

The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) describe the learning and development of most children ages three to five and a half years old in high-quality early education programs.

The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) outline key knowledge and skills that most children ages three to five and a half years old can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide preschool and transitional kindergarten (TK) educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program, whether it be in center-based, home-based, or TK settings.

The Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF) were originally released by the California Department of Education (CDE) in January 2008 (Volume 1), 2010 (Volume 2), and 2012 (Volume 3). In the 2021 Budget Bill, the CDE was given the authority to revise the PLF to reflect recent research in child development in all domains: Math, Language and Literacy, Science, Social-Emotional Development, History Social-Science, Health, Visual Performing Arts, and Physical Development.

California PTKLF Domains

The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program.

The foundations were revised using an inclusive and deliberative input process, including statewide educator focus groups, interest holder input sessions, and review by subject matter experts.

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Starts: 11/18/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 25 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

Fall LCRSET Professional Learning Network

The Sacramento County Office of Education is pleased to announce the virtual Literacy Professional Learning Network (PLN). The PLN is sponsored by the California Department of Education through the Literacy Coaches and Reading Specialists Educator Training (LCRSET) Grant program. 

Join us on November 19, 2024 from 8:00 am - 1:15 pm as we learn about Tier 1 Instruction for All: Universal Support. 

Experts in the field of reading instruction will discuss Tier 1 literacy leadership, assessment, instruction, and more!

There will be an optional opportunity from 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm to connect with colleagues from your region to discuss implications for your work. 

Audience: Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists, those interested in becoming a coach or a reading specialist, administrators, County Office Administrators, education partners, and others interested in literacy instruction and support.

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 11/19/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: Virtual

Status: 564 open seats left
Class Size: 980 seats

An Introduction to the 2023 Math Framework Part Two: Number Sense, SMPs, and Data Science (11/19/24)

Join us to learn more about how Number Sense, Standards for Math Practices, and Data Literacy develop from TK to High School.  Explore how these big ideas come together to support student concept development and teaching practices that will create access and enhance engagement.

No prerequisites; attendance in Part 1 is not required.

For questions regarding the content of the session, contact Van Lay (

You can register without a PO in place. Please list "pending" in the area for the purchase order number and have the PO emailed to Amanda Wirz ( when completed. Unless you cancel beforehand, we will invoice your district after the event has concluded.

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Starts: 11/19/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $125
Location: DPMEC
Room A
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 3 of 8

Deeper Learning


What is Deeper Learning? How can you know if the students are engaging in this and ensure that teachers have the support to design lessons that engage students in Deeper Learning?



Date: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm (virtual)

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Starts: 11/20/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 27 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

SEL and Academic Integration Webinars

Hello SEL leaders! We are so excited about some free upcoming professional learning sessions that we are hosting in conjunction with our CalHOPE SEL work- SEL and Academic Integration Webinars. 


We are hoping that you will share this flier with your networks, as it will be a great opportunity for educators to come together and deepen their SEL foundations while gaining access to a bank of teacher-created SEL and Academic Integration resources that are targeted to grade levels and content areas. In addition, these workshops may serve as a great onramp for the newly revised Commission on Standards for the Teaching Profession


Here are a few key details that you can share with interested educators:

-All webinars are FREE 

-All participants will get access to a shared drive with a wide variety of easy-to-use SEL activities that can integrate into academic content, tailored to grade level, from TK-12

-We will have four different webinar dates to choose from throughout the year. Pick the one that works best for your schedule:

-November 21st

-December 11th

-February 5th

-March 19th 


Please share this opportunity with teachers and other educators in your school or district, and encourage them to register for one of these amazing webinars! We highly encourage schools to send a cohort of teachers to attend together, learning is often more powerful when it is collaborative!


Please email with any questions!


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Starts: 11/21/2024
Sessions: 4
Pricing: $0

Status: 380 open seats left
Class Size: 400 seats

CALPADS Watch Party & Networking

LEA Administrators and CALPADS Administrators are encouraged to attend the CALPADS Network together where we will share resources to support data quality and learn more about how CALPADS data impacts accountability.

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Starts: 12/3/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 16 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Leveraging Elementary Academic Text to Deepen Language Proficiency

How can elementary teachers leverage academic texts to deepen their English Learners language proficiency? 


This two-hour session, with embedded pre-session work and follow-up application, will equip teachers to select high quality mentor texts in order to build students’ ability to effectively express themselves in written and oral formats.

Teachers will:

-learn the process for English learners to develop critical skills to engage with and produce academic language and texts, to both leverage linguistic strengths and address needs. 

-explore ways to guide their students to effectively make meaning by analyzing texts and text excerpts for critical text features.

-understand how to intentionally provide students with practice and incorporate these sophisticated language structures into their repertoire, thereby increasing proficiency in English during whole group integrated ELD and small group designated ELD. 

Audience: Elementary Classroom teachers, Instructional Coaches, TOSAs,  EL Leaders, Paraeducators


December 3, 2024

3:30-5:30 PM


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Starts: 12/3/2024
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0

Status: 94 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Leaders Supporting Building Thinking Classrooms (Option 4 - 12/4/24)

***For Administrators and Coaches Only***

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, for an interactive, collaborative workshop designed to support administrators and coaches.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner
  • Explore the 14 research-based Building Thinking Classrooms practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into genuine cognitive engagement, ensuring equitable access to grade-level content for all students, including multilingual and neurodiverse learners
  • Gain resources and tools that will help you build capacity while supporting your educators’ implementation journey

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 12/4/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 29 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Leaders Supporting Building Thinking Classrooms (Option 5 - 12/5/24)

***For Administrators and Coaches Only***

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, for an interactive, collaborative workshop designed to support administrators and coaches.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner
  • Explore the 14 research-based Building Thinking Classrooms practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into genuine cognitive engagement, ensuring equitable access to grade-level content for all students, including multilingual and neurodiverse learners
  • Gain resources and tools that will help you build capacity while supporting your educators’ implementation journey

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 12/5/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Learning Together: A Community for Site Level Leads - Session 3 out of 8

Data Primer


Sessions aligned with the scope and sequence og Community Schools implementation, consultation around problems of practice, and community building. 


Date: December 5th, 2024

Time: 9:30-11:30am (virtual)

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Starts: 12/5/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 15 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

California School Dashboard Workshop for Homeless Liaisons

The California School Dashboard provides data to community members regarding school and district performance. Dashboard data can also point to needs for some of the state’s vulnerable student groups, including homeless students. In this workshop, you will learn about:

  • The California School Dashboard and System of Support
  • How the 2024 Dashboard differs from prior years
  • Why Dashboard measures are important to homeless education programs
  • Understanding how data gets from your student information system into the Dashboard
  • How to navigate public resources to find Dashboard outcome data for homeless students in your school or district
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Starts: 12/5/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 46 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

SCOE U: Public Speaking - Body language and eye contact (SCOE Only)

Have you ever described public speaking as scary, uncomfortable, embarrassing, something you dislike and avoid? If so, the SCOE U Public Speaking workshop is for YOU. In a series of six sessions, we will explore various aspects of public speaking, learn strategies for addressing public speaking anxiety, and practice, practice, practice in a safe and supportive environment. This is a six part series and you can sign up for as many as you want.


Session 3: Body language and eye contact. (knowing where to look, positive body language, identifying and eliminating tics and unproductive habits) 

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Starts: 12/5/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 11 open seats left
Class Size: 18 seats

An Overview of Preschool Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF)

California PTKLF

The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) describe the learning and development of most children ages three to five and a half years old in high-quality early education programs.

The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) outline key knowledge and skills that most children ages three to five and a half years old can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide preschool and transitional kindergarten (TK) educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program, whether it be in center-based, home-based, or TK settings.

The Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF) were originally released by the California Department of Education (CDE) in January 2008 (Volume 1), 2010 (Volume 2), and 2012 (Volume 3). In the 2021 Budget Bill, the CDE was given the authority to revise the PLF to reflect recent research in child development in all domains: Math, Language and Literacy, Science, Social-Emotional Development, History Social-Science, Health, Visual Performing Arts, and Physical Development.

California PTKLF Domains

The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program.

The foundations were revised using an inclusive and deliberative input process, including statewide educator focus groups, interest holder input sessions, and review by subject matter experts.

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Starts: 12/5/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 25 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Three: Refining Thinking Classrooms (Option 2 - 12/9/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches who have attended Part One and Part Two of this series OR a summer intensive OR have read Chapters 1-11 and are implementing those practices and want to refine them. ***This is not for beginners.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on refining your thinking classroom culture, connections to curriculum, & closure by revisiting Chapters 9, 10, and 11.

  • Experience math tasks as a learner
  • Refine practices 9-11 that keep your students thinking and retaining learning
  • Practice Consolidation by Selecting, Sequencing, & Seeding a Divergent Task
  • Fine-tune your SEL-embedded practices that enhance student belonging and motivation
  • Build your understanding of Thin-Slicing by reordering sets of tasks by type
  • Explore Centers and Activities that can provide opportunities to extend thinking and build fluency while allowing you time to address and front-load unfinished learning


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 12/9/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 7 open seats left
Class Size: 38 seats

SCOE U: Learn at Lunch: Mirrors and Windows

Learn at Lunch is only avaliable for SCOE STAFF


Learn at Lunch: Mirrors and Windows 


If you have any questions please reach out to Alexis Gomez ( 

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Starts: 12/9/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 41 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 1 - 12/10/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 12/10/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 22 open seats left
Class Size: 38 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 2 - 12/11/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 12/11/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 38 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 4 out of 9

Community Assets

and Leadership: 

Student and Family Voice 


Discover Community Assets and Leadership, leveraging student and family voices to shape educational outcomes, with practical strategies for empowerment and change. 


Date: Wednesday, December 11th, 2024

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 12/11/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 25 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 3 - 12/12/24)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 36 open seats left
Class Size: 38 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 12/12/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 12 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

District Systems for Community Schools - Session 2 out of 5

See Session 1 Description


Date: December 19th, 2024 

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 12/19/2024
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Dual Language Immersion Training of Trainers Cohort #1

Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching.  This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement.  During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process.   In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process.  Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.


LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community

LEARN with and from each other

LEAD your ELs to success


Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)

January 9, 2025


 In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #1 Only)

January 23, 2025

8:00 AM- 4:00 PM 

Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)

February 4, 2025

9:00 AM- 12:00 PM


Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 1/9/2025
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 21 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

Harnessing the Power of Instructional Rounds Dual Language Immersion Training of Trainers Cohort #2

Build a common TK-6 understanding of what high quality instruction for English learners looks like and sounds like using Elizabeth City and Richard Elmore’s Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching.  This Leadership Network will engage in a three-day Instructional Rounds Training of Trainers (TOT) to better understand the instructional core, practice identifying and analyzing learning tasks in order to foster student improvement.  During the virtual overview, participants will develop an understanding of the Instructional Rounds community and process.   In person, participants will observe classrooms, gather data and engage in a cohort debrief at an elementary school. Then, during the virtual next steps, the entire network will reconvene to explore potential next steps in the process.  Participants will be given a copy of Instructional Rounds in Education and must be present to receive copy.


LEVERAGE the power of the Instructional Rounds Community

LEARN with and from each other

LEAD your ELs to success


Pre Session Virtual Overview (Cohort #1 & #2)

January 9, 2025


 In Person Site Visit (Location TBD, Cohort #2 Only)

January 30, 2025

8:00 AM- 4:00 PM 

Virtual Debrief & Next Steps (Cohort #1 & #2)

February 4, 2025

9:00 AM- 12:00 PM


Audience: Site Administrators, Instructional Coaches, EL Leaders


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 1/9/2025
Sessions: 3
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 25 seats

Learning Together: A Community for Site Level Leads - Session 4 out of 8

Actionable Data in a Culture of

Inquiry and Continuous



Sessions aligned with the scope and sequence of Community Schools implementation, consultation around problems of practice, and community building. 


Date: January 9th, 2025 

Time: 9:30-11:30am (virtual) 

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Starts: 1/9/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

Introduction to the 2023 Math Framework Part One (1/13/25)

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the 2023 Math Framework and engage in activities focused on the five components of equitable and engaging teaching for all students.

For questions regarding the content of the session, contact Van Lay (

You can register without a PO in place. Please list "pending" in the area for the purchase order number and have the PO emailed to Amanda Wirz ( when completed. We will invoice your district after the event has concluded unless you cancel ahead of time.

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Starts: 1/13/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $125
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Integrated and Designated ELD for Secondary Teachers

The sessions will be framed by the four principles of the English Learner Roadmap policy and focus primarily on deepening knowledge about the implementation of quality teaching and learning practices for multilingual students.  The Strand will feature guidance provided in key California Department of Education resources, including the English Learner Roadmap policy, ELD Standards, ELA-ELD Framework, and Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice.


We recognize the importance of holding spaces for in-person interaction. Therefore, for session 1, we invite you to engage with our 3D model: 

Develop knowledge of multilingual support

Discuss to deepen understanding in providing meaningful access

Dine with colleagues and build relationships  


Session 1: Option of in-person Session Or Virtual Session

In-person Session 1:

  • January 13, 2025

  • 4:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Virtual Session 1:

  • January 15, 2025

  • 4 PM- 6 PM

Sessions 2-4 are virtual

Session 2: Virtual

  • February 3, 2025

  • 4 PM-6 PM

Session 3: Virtual

  • March 3, 2025

  • 4 PM-6 PM

Session 4: Virtual

  • April 7, 2025

  • 4 PM-6 PM



Secondary Teachers and Teacher Leaders in All Content Areas, EL Leaders


Sponsored by the Educator Workforce Investment Grant through the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education.

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Starts: 1/13/2025
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 62 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Effective Project Management Series (SCOE Only)

This is a five-session series dedicated to Effective Project Management. Each session will explore a different aspect of project management: 1) Introduction, 2) Planning, 3) Execution, 4) Communication, and 5) Change Management. Attendees will benefit from attending all five sessions but are welcome to attend any of the five sessions based on their interest and availability.

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Starts: 1/15/2025
Sessions: 5
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room C
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 15 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Mirrors and Windows: Reflecting on Self and Systems

In this workshop, we will explore systems of oppression and enduring patterns of inequity, both historic and in contemporary society. We will expand our awareness and knowledge of these critical issues while also strengthening our adult Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills through discussions, self-reflection, and engaging activities. This session will empower us to build self-awareness and social awareness, as we participate in mirror and window work.

This virtual series has two dates:



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Starts: 1/15/2025
Sessions: 2
Pricing: $0

Status: 49 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

COE Network for Community Schools - Session 3 out of 5

Opportunities for County Office of Education team members to learn about state/regional updates, gather and share tools/resources, network and collabrate. 

It is highly reccomended but not required to attend all sessions. 



Date: January 16th, 2025

Time: 9:00am-2:00pm (in-person)


*This is only for County Office of Education staff*

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Starts: 1/16/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 6 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats

Sacramento County READS

Join us in our THIRD session of year two of our countywide reading and literacy initiative! The community of practice will be held four times during the 2024-2025 school year and is designated for LEA literacy leadership teams. Sessions will include keynote speakers, collaborative learning within and across LEAs, district spotlights, and team time. 

Suggested LEA Literacy Leadership Team members include Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Chief Academic Officers, Site Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and LEA Elementary and Secondary leaders in; Curriculum & Instruction, Equity, MTSS, Special Education, Multilingual Education, Early Learning, Expanded Learning, and Assessment & Research.


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Starts: 1/16/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 54 open seats left
Class Size: 126 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 5 out of 9

Be Strong Families: Parent Cafe, and The Power of Family 

Communications and

Home Visits


A Parent Cafe is a structured and supportative gathering where parents and caregiviers come together to engage in meaningful conversations on topics related to parenting, family, well-being, and community connections. Family Communication and Home Visits prioritize relationships, fostering collabration for student success through open communication and personalized intercactions. 

Join us to learn more and explore ways to strengthen families and support children's developement. 


Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm (in-person)


*This session will be combined with Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms.

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Starts: 1/21/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 23 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

Strategies for Elementary Integrated and Designated ELD

How can teachers easily and effectively build language proficiency for their English learner/emergent bilingual students throughout their daily lessons? 

This interactive four-session series provides teachers with a construct and set of strategies that can be effectively integrated into existing lessons and practices. Aligned to Principle 2 of the English Learner Roadmap and the English Learner Toolkit of Strategies, participants will learn to effectively identify and address the strengths and needs of English learner/emergent bilingual students by providing targeted scaffolds and supports. Participants will develop strategies to actively engage students in all four language domains (listening, reading, speaking and writing), deepening students’ use of sophisticated academic language and tapping into their linguistic genius. Teachers will be prepared with tools and resources to implement in their classrooms.

Note: This event is geared toward elementary educators; however, the concepts could be valuable to secondary teachers and coaches seeking a deeper understanding of ELD. 

Session #1 

January 21, 2025

3:30-5:30 PM

Session #2

February 6, 2025

3:30-5:30 PM

Session #3

March 11, 2025

3:30-5:30 PM

Session #4

April 3, 2025

3:30-5:30 PM


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Starts: 1/21/2025
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0

Status: 0 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Counselor Community of Practice Meetings

Join us for an insightful session with Nan Worsowicz, former K-12 educator, elementary and middle school special education teacher, middle and high school counselor and school counseling supervisor.

In this session you will:

- Learn the importance of lesson planning

- Understand the lesson plan template

- Discover the Implementation Steps and Reflection practices

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Starts: 1/22/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 60 open seats left
Class Size: 60 seats


Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 4 of 8

Test the Water/ Make it Real


Let's take this time to unpack this work, make some sense of it and see where you can build this based on your current goals and practices. 


Date: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm (in-person)


*This session will be combined with Building Bridges: Strengthing Family and Community Partnerships

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Starts: 1/22/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 40 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 1/22/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 18 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

SCOE U: Time Management Best Practices - (SCOE ONLY)

This session will cover a variety of time management techniques that can be used by any working professional. The techniques introduced in this session will include task management, time blocking, calendaring, and tips and tricks for work efficiency and time management.

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Starts: 1/22/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 43 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

Sacramento County READS: Coffee and Community

As part of the Sacramento County READS initiative, we will be hosting three virtual Coffee and Community listening sessions during the 2024-2025 school year. The Sacramento County READS team invites you to join us with your morning cup of coffee to chat about how the SCOE team can collaborate and support community-based organizations that are providing literacy services and tutoring in the Sacramento area. The goal of these listening sessions will be to listen and brainstorm ideas in order to determine how we can partner in this space.

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Starts: 1/22/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 100 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

ELA/ELD Literacy Network

Join local Curriculum/Literacy Directors and Coordinators, LEA/Site Literacy Coaches and other Literacy Leaders as we learn together, tackle challenges, and share solutions.

Registration pass code: Literacy

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Starts: 1/27/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Virtual

Status: 23 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part One: Shifting to a Thinking Culture (Option 6 - 1/28/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches beginning or refining their initial implementation of Chapters 1-8 & 12

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that build the culture of your thinking classroom.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner

  • Explore the first 8 practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into true cognitive engagement

  • Gain valuable resources as you plan for implementation and explore ready-to-go rich thinking tasks

  • Learn how to strategically embed SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) to unlock empathy while building self and social-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making

  • Begin your journey of courageous change

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 1/28/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part One: Shifting to a Thinking Classroom (Option 7 - 1/29/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches beginning or refining their initial implementation of Chapters 1-8 & 12

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that build the culture of your thinking classroom.

  • Experience a thinking classroom as a learner

  • Explore the first 8 practices that shift your students’ non-thinking behaviors (slacking, stalling, faking, and mimicking) into true cognitive engagement

  • Gain valuable resources as you plan for implementation and explore ready-to-go rich thinking tasks

  • Learn how to strategically embed SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) to unlock empathy while building self and social-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making

  • Begin your journey of courageous change

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 1/29/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

District Systems for Community Schools - Session 3 out of 5

See Session 1 Description 


Date: January 30th, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 1/30/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

CALPADS Watch Party & Networking

LEA Administrators and CALPADS Administrators are encouraged to attend the CALPADS Network together where we will share resources to support data quality and learn more about how CALPADS data impacts accountability.

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Starts: 2/4/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 12 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Learning Together: A Community for Site Level Leads - Session 5 out of 8

Deeper Engagement Toward a

Shared Vision 


Sessions aligned with the scope and sequence of Community Schools implementation, consultation around problems of practice, and community building. 


Date: February 6th, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:30am (virtual) 

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Starts: 2/6/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 10 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

SCOE U: Public Speaking - Creating the flow (SCOE Only)

Have you ever described public speaking as scary, uncomfortable, embarrassing, something you dislike and avoid? If so, the SCOE U Public Speaking workshop is for YOU. In a series of six sessions, we will explore various aspects of public speaking, learn strategies for addressing public speaking anxiety, and practice, practice, practice in a safe and supportive environment. This is a six part series and you can register for as many as you want.


Sessions 4: Creating the flow. (organization, length, complexity, the power of personal anecdotes)

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Starts: 2/6/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Staff Room 3
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 14 open seats left
Class Size: 18 seats

An Introduction to the 2023 Math Framework Part Two: Number Sense, SMPs, and Data Science (2/7/25)

Join us to learn more about how Number Sense, Standards for Math Practices, and Data Literacy develop from TK to High School.  Explore how these big ideas come together to support student concept development and teaching practices that will create access and enhance engagement.

No prerequisites; attendance in Part 1 is not required.

For questions regarding the content of the session, contact Van Lay (

You can register without a PO in place. Please list "pending" in the area for the purchase order number and have the PO emailed to Amanda Wirz ( when completed. Unless you cancel beforehand, we will invoice your district after the event has concluded.


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Starts: 2/7/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $125
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 29 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 6 out of 9

Improving Attendance


Improving attendance requires clear expectations, incentives, and support, including tracking data, identifying at-risk students, and collaborating with families and communities. 


Date: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 2/12/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Two: Connecting to Curriculum & Closure (Option 7 - 2/19/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators and Coaches that have participated in Part One of this series OR have already read Chapters 1-8 in the book and are implementing those practices.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that ensure equitable access to grade-level content (Chapters 9-11):

  • Experience curricular tasks as a learner

  • Learn how to maintain FLOW by using hints & extensions asynchronously to create balance between challenge and ability

  • Explore the why, what, how, and when of consolidating a lesson

  • Shift your understanding Meaningful Notes as you consider the structure of making instead of taking notes

  • Gain valuable resources such as lesson examples, templates, and graphic organizers that help you move students through curricular outcomes with individual understanding


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 2/19/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 34 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Coaching and Managing Towards Equity: Designing Effective Meetings

This session is facilitated by the National Equity Project. It is designed for leaders, managers, supervisors, coaches, mentors, team leads, facilitators, and anyone who is charged with the privilege and responsibility for the learning, growth, and development of other adults in your system or organization. Educators from across the Sacramento region are encouraged to attend. 
Session Objectives:
  • Practice approaches for understanding, raising, and addressing equity issues through the practice of coaching
  • Reflect on who you are in this work and what skills and knowledge you need to be successful in your role as a leader, manager, supervisor
  • Deepen your understanding about what it means for you to support the learning, growth and development of another adult
  • Reflect on your coaching context and learn from the work of other coaches and leaders
  • Gain some tools and approaches and leave with a plan and approach for addressing some of the most pressing challenges in your work
  • Learn about, experience and practice using an Experiential Learning Cycle through an equity lens to plan for an upcoming meeting that you will lead
  • Explore what is required of a facilitator of adult learning addressing equity issues in your context and become familiar with tools and resources to support facilitation
  • Learn about the neuroscience of emotion to help you understand and respond to strong emotions in a group, especially when addressing equity issues
  • Engage strategies for supporting teams and groups to do equity-centered work
  • Gain new knowledge, tools and frameworks for facilitating teams and developing a positive group dynamic


This session will take place at SCOE in the Board Room. There is no cost to attend. Please reach out to Alexis Gomez ( with any questions. 

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Starts: 2/19/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 41 open seats left
Class Size: 42 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 2/19/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 14 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Two: Connecting to Curriculum & Closure (Option 8 - 2/20/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators and Coaches that have participated in Part One of this series OR have already read Chapters 1-8 in the book and are implementing those practices.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on the practices that ensure equitable access to grade-level content (Chapters 9-11):

  • Experience curricular tasks as a learner

  • Learn how to maintain FLOW by using hints & extensions asynchronously to create balance between challenge and ability

  • Explore the why, what, how, and when of consolidating a lesson

  • Shift your understanding Meaningful Notes as you consider the structure of making instead of taking notes

  • Gain valuable resources such as lesson examples, templates, and graphic organizers that help you move students through curricular outcomes with individual understanding


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 2/20/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Homeless Liaison Data Workshop

A wealth of education data is available for homeless liaisons to use in myriad ways to support their programs. Homeless liaisons can use data to:

·         Apply for grants

·         Demonstrate needs

·         Communicate with educational partners about homeless education programs and why they exist

·         Help liaisons plan services and other program activities


This hands-on workshop will:

·         Explore best practices for maintaining quality data.

·         Teach participants about available data sources and where to access them

·         Explain how data can be used to support homeless education

·         Provide a template including CDE-recommended data elements to drive McKinney-Vento programming.


This workshop is appropriate for district and charter school homeless liaisons and support staff who use data and is created for people with all skill levels.

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Starts: 2/25/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 99 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 5 of 8

Connect and Collaborate


Take a deeper look at some of the ways Community Connected Classrooms are happeneing now. Get specfic examples of promising practices and have a chance to connect with others. 


Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

Time: 3:00-4:30pm (virtual) 

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Starts: 2/26/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 27 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 7 out of 9

Be Strong Families: 

Parent Cafe Host Training (2 Days)


Learn about Parent Cafe - a supportative space where caregivers discuss parenting, family well-being, and community connections, fostering supporte relationships and learning. 


Date: Thursday - Friday, February 27th-28th, 2025

Time: 9:00am-5:00pm (in-person)

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Starts: 2/27/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 45 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Three: Refining Thinking Classrooms (Option 3 - 3/4/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches who have attended Part One and Part Two of this series OR a summer intensive OR have read Chapters 1-11 and are implementing those practices and want to refine them. ***This is not for beginners.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on refining your thinking classroom culture, connections to curriculum, & closure by revisiting Chapters 9, 10, and 11.

  • Experience math tasks as a learner

  • Refine practices 9-11 that keep your students thinking and retaining learning

  • Practice Consolidation by Selecting, Sequencing, & Seeding a Divergent Task

  • Fine-tune your SEL-embedded practices that enhance student belonging and motivation

  • Build your understanding of Thin-Slicing by reordering sets of tasks by type

  • Explore Centers and Activities that can provide opportunities to extend thinking and build fluency while allowing you time to address and front-load unfinished learning


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 3/4/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 1 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Three: Refining Thinking Classrooms (Option 4 - 3/5/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches who have attended Part One and Part Two of this series OR a summer intensive OR have read Chapters 1-11 and are implementing those practices and want to refine them. ***This is not for beginners.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on refining your thinking classroom culture, connections to curriculum, & closure by revisiting Chapters 9, 10, and 11.

  • Experience math tasks as a learner
  • Refine practices 9-11 that keep your students thinking and retaining learning
  • Practice Consolidation by Selecting, Sequencing, & Seeding a Divergent Task
  • Fine-tune your SEL-embedded practices that enhance student belonging and motivation
  • Build your understanding of Thin-Slicing by reordering sets of tasks by type
  • Explore Centers and Activities that can provide opportunities to extend thinking and build fluency while allowing you time to address and front-load unfinished learning


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 3/5/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Three: Refining Thinking Classrooms (Option 5 - 3/6/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators & Coaches who have attended Part One and Part Two of this series OR a summer intensive OR have read Chapters 1-11 and are implementing those practices and want to refine them. ***This is not for beginners.

Join Chelsea McClellan, Math Specialist, as we focus on refining your thinking classroom culture, connections to curriculum, & closure by revisiting Chapters 9, 10, and 11.

  • Experience math tasks as a learner
  • Refine practices 9-11 that keep your students thinking and retaining learning
  • Practice Consolidation by Selecting, Sequencing, & Seeding a Divergent Task
  • Fine-tune your SEL-embedded practices that enhance student belonging and motivation
  • Build your understanding of Thin-Slicing by reordering sets of tasks by type
  • Explore Centers and Activities that can provide opportunities to extend thinking and build fluency while allowing you time to address and front-load unfinished learning


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 3/6/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 19 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 8 out of 9

Fostering Community



Fostering community partnerships includes clear communication, shared goals, and leveraging strengths to address challenges, enhancing resources, supporting students, and community. 


Date: Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 3/12/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 2 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 3/19/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 19 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

District Systems for Community Schools - Session 4 out of 5

See Session 1 Description


Date: March 20th, 2025 

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 3/20/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 12 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

COE Network for Community Schools - Session 4 out of 5

Opportunities for County Office of Education team members to learn about state/regional updates, gather and share tools/resources, network and collabrate. 

It is highly reccomended but not required to attend all sessions. 



Date: March 21st, 2025

Time: 9:00am-2:00pm (in-person)


*This is only for County Office of Education staff*

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Starts: 3/21/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 9 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 4 - 3/25/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 3/25/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 0 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 5 - 3/26/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 3/26/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 10 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 6 of 8

Demystifying Community

Connected Classrooms


It is time to get some learners out in the community and invite the community into classroom. It is not as hard as you think and it is already happening all over our region. 


Date: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Time: 3:00-4:30pm (virtual)

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Starts: 3/26/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 26 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Building Thinking Classrooms Part Four: Focus on Assessment (Option 6 - 3/27/25)

Audience: TK-12 Educators who have implemented Ch. 1-12 OR Coaches & Leadership who are supporting this implementation 

Join Chelsea McClellan, as we focus on assessment and transferring collective knowing and doing to individual understanding by focusing on Chapters 13 & 14.

  • Experience curricular math tasks as a learner
  • Extend and refine the Launch, Body, and Closure by viewing and responding to videos of thinking classrooms in action
  • Explore Navigation Tools as you consider the why, what, when, and how of crafting and providing each of your students a map of where they are and where they are going
  • Elevate Formative Assessment so that all students have equitable access to the content and competencies of their grade level standards
  • Gain valuable resources including examples of Navigation and Grading Tools


Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

8:30 am - 9:00 am registration and breakfast. Lunch will be served 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You can register with a Purchase Order even if you do not have one in place just yet. Please complete all the payment information fields and enter "Pending" for the Purchase Order number. We will bill your district unless you contact us to cancel your session. Contact Amanda Wirz ( for more questions.


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Starts: 3/27/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $200
Location: DPMEC
Mather Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 32 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Sacramento County READS

Join us in our FOURTH session of year two of our countywide reading and literacy initiative! The community of practice will be held four times during the 2024-2025 school year and is designated for LEA literacy leadership teams. Sessions will include keynote speakers, collaborative learning within and across LEAs, district spotlights, and team time. 

Suggested LEA Literacy Leadership Team members include Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Chief Academic Officers, Site Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and LEA Elementary and Secondary leaders in; Curriculum & Instruction, Equity, MTSS, Special Education, Multilingual Education, Early Learning, Expanded Learning, and Assessment & Research.


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Starts: 3/27/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Conference Center
3661 Whitehead Street, Suite 100
Mather CA 95655
Status: 53 open seats left
Class Size: 126 seats

Spring LCRSET Professional Learning Network

The Sacramento County Office of Education is pleased to announce the virtual Literacy Professional Learning Network (PLN). The PLN is sponsored by the California Department of Education through the Literacy Coaches and Reading Specialists Educator Training (LCRSET) Grant program. 

Join us on April 1, 2025 from 8:00 am - 1:15 pm as we learn about Tiers 2 & 3: Supplemental and Intensified Support. 

Experts in the field of reading instruction will discuss leading for equity, reading difficulties, assessment, instruction, and more!

There will be an optional opportunity from 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm to connect with colleagues from your region to discuss implications for your work. 

Audience: Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists, those interested in becoming a coach or a reading specialist, administrators, County Office Administrators, education partners, and others interested in literacy instruction and support.

From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.

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Starts: 4/1/2025
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0
Location: Virtual

Status: 706 open seats left
Class Size: 980 seats

2025 Counselor Spring Institute - C.A.R.E – The Counselor's Compass

C.A.R.E. – The Counselor's Compass, envisions this conference as a navigational tool for counselors, symbolizing the true north for our profession.  

CONNECT to foster unity in the profession
ADVOCATE for those we serve
RELATE to one another for support
EDUCATE to continuously develop our skills.  

Just as a compass points the way, C.A.R.E  continues to chart a course toward a community where counseling transforms lives and inspires limitless possibilities for our students.

Embark on a transformative experience at the 3nd annual Counselor Spring Institute: C.A.R.E. – The Counselor's Compass. This event is not just a conference; it's a unique opportunity to Connect, Advocate, Relate, and Educate. Join us in this dynamic space where we aim to foster unity, advocate passionately, build supportive relationships, and continuously develop skills. Don't miss this transformative journey where counseling becomes a force for positive change, inspiring limitless possibilities for students and transforming lives. Register today!

Conference, continental breakfast, lunch, and parking are included in the registration fee.

**Information about registering for sessions to follow.**

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Starts: 4/2/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $329
Location: California State University Sacramento
6000 J Street
Sacramento CA 95819
Status: 300 open seats left
Class Size: 300 seats

SCOE U: Public Speaking - The power of voice (SCOE Only)

Have you ever described public speaking as scary, uncomfortable, embarrassing, something you dislike and avoid? If so, the SCOE U Public Speaking workshop is for YOU. In a series of six sessions, we will explore various aspects of public speaking, learn strategies for addressing public speaking anxiety, and practice, practice, practice in a safe and supportive environment. This is a six part series and you can register for as many as you want.


Session 5: The power of voice. (pace, rhythm, articulation, pronunciation, silence, tics) 

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Starts: 4/3/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room A
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 13 open seats left
Class Size: 18 seats

CALPADS Watch Party & Networking

LEA Administrators and CALPADS Administrators are encouraged to attend the CALPADS Network together where we will share resources to support data quality and learn more about how CALPADS data impacts accountability.

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Starts: 4/8/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 16 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

Learning Together: A Community for Site Level Leads - Session 7 out of 8

The Power of Partnerships

(and Resource Fair)


Sessions aligned with the scope and sequence of Community Schools implementation, consultation around problems of practice, and community building. 


Date: April 10th, 2025

Time: 9:30am-11:30am (virtual) 

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Starts: 4/10/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 14 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 4/16/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 13 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

Introduction to the New Math Framework Part One (4/17/25)

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the 2023 Math Framework and engage in activities focused on the five components of equitable and engaging teaching for all students.

For questions regarding the content of the session, contact Van Lay (

You can register without a PO in place. Please list "pending" in the area for the purchase order number and have the PO emailed to Amanda Wirz ( when completed. We will invoice your district after the event has concluded unless you cancel ahead of time.

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Starts: 4/17/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $125
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 31 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

An Introduction to the 2023 Math Framework Part Two: Number Sense, SMPs, and Data Science (4/23/25)

Join us to learn more about how Number Sense, Standards for Math Practices, and Data Literacy develop from TK to High School.  Explore how these big ideas come together to support student concept development and teaching practices that will create access and enhance engagement.

No prerequisites; attendance in Part 1 is not required.

For questions regarding the content of the session, contact Van Lay (

You can register without a PO in place. Please list "pending" in the area for the purchase order number and have the PO emailed to Amanda Wirz ( when completed. Unless you cancel beforehand, we will invoice your district after the event has concluded.

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Starts: 4/23/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $125
Location: DPMEC
Board Room
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 24 open seats left
Class Size: 35 seats

Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 7 of 8

Alternative Assessments


There are many different ways to asess student learning, we will collectively examine ways to do this from a students centered perspective.


Date: Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025

Time: 3:00-4:30pm (virtual) 

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Starts: 4/23/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 29 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

ELA/ELD Literacy Network

Join local Curriculum/Literacy Directors and Coordinators, LEA/Site Literacy Coaches and other Literacy Leaders as we learn together, tackle challenges, and share solutions.

Registration pass code: Literacy

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Starts: 4/28/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: Virtual

Status: 23 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

LCRS Coaches and Reading Specialists Spring Seminar: English Learner Roadmap Virtual Session

Join us for the LCRSET Spring Seminar for Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists, and Interventionists from LCRS Sites across the state. Together, we will learn about the English Learner Roadmap (ELR) Policy, specifically tailored to meet the needs of Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists, Interventionists, and others in similar roles and will focus on actionable examples and practical strategies. Participants will gain insights into what effective implementation of the ELR should look like in schools, ensuring that the Roadmap's principles are actively reflected in school practices to support the success of English Learners.

Date: April 29, 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Location: Zoom


*From your registration confirmation email, click on “event materials and logistics” to access the session Zoom Link, passcode, and Padlet.


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Starts: 4/29/2025
Sessions: 1
Pricing: $0

Status: 978 open seats left
Class Size: 980 seats

Sacramento County READS: Coffee and Community

As part of the Sacramento County READS initiative, we will be hosting three virtual Coffee and Community listening sessions during the 2024-2025 school year. The Sacramento County READS team invites you to join us with your morning cup of coffee to chat about how the SCOE team can collaborate and support community-based organizations that are providing literacy services and tutoring in the Sacramento area. The goal of these listening sessions will be to listen and brainstorm ideas in order to determine how we can partner in this space.

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Starts: 4/29/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 100 open seats left
Class Size: 100 seats

Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms - Session 8 of 8

Celebrating Success-

Digging in for Next Year


It is time to put it all together! Let's refelct on the year, uplift bright spots and develop a strategy for next year.


Date: Wednesday, May 7th, 2025

Time: 9:00am-3:00pm (in-person)


*This sessions will be combined with Building Bridges: Strengthing Family and Community Partnerships

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Starts: 5/7/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 30 open seats left
Class Size: 40 seats

Building Bridges: Strengthening Family and Community Partnerships - Session 9 out of 9

Reflect and Plan


Reflecting and planning for the year to come is essential for setting goals, identifying areas for growth, and strategizing ways to improve outcomes and experiences for both students and stakeholders.


Date: Wednesday, May 7th, 2025 

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm (in-person)


*This session will be combined with Teaching and Learning in Community Classrooms.

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Starts: 5/7/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 29 open seats left
Class Size: 75 seats

Learning Together: A Community for Site Level Leads - Session 8 out of 8

Reflections: on the past year and

the arc of next year


Sessions aligned with the scope and sequence of Community Schools implementation, consultation around problems of practice, and community building. 


Date: May 8th, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:30am (virtual)

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Starts: 5/8/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 16 open seats left
Class Size: 50 seats

District Systems for Community Schools - Session 5 out of 5

See Session 1 Description 


Date: May 15th, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:00am (virtual)

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Starts: 5/15/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 11 open seats left
Class Size: 30 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 5/21/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 15 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats

COE Network for Community Schools - Session 5 out of 5

Opportunities for County Office of Education team members to learn about state/regional updates, gather and share tools/resources, network and collabrate. 

It is highly reccomended but not required to attend all sessions. 


Date: May 23rd, 2025

Time: 9:00am-2:00pm (in-person)


*This is only for County Office of Education staff*

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Starts: 5/23/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: TBD

Status: 9 open seats left
Class Size: 20 seats

SCOE U: Public Speaking - Bringing it all together (SCOE Only)

Have you ever described public speaking as scary, uncomfortable, embarrassing, something you dislike and avoid? If so, the SCOE U Public Speaking workshop is for YOU. In a series of six sessions, we will explore various aspects of public speaking, learn strategies for addressing public speaking anxiety, and practice, practice, practice in a safe and supportive environment. This is a six part series and you can register for as many as you want.


Session 6: Bringing it all together. (practicing various elements of effective public speaking) 

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Starts: 6/5/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0
Location: DPMEC
Room A
10474 Mather Blvd.
Mather CA 95655
Status: 12 open seats left
Class Size: 18 seats

State and Federal Programs Network

District and charter school administrators are invited to join these meetings. The SCOE Network meets monthly one week after the CDE State and Federal Directors meeting. Topics are curated for relevance to our local context, and additional local resources are shared with participants.

This is a virtual meeting, conducted via Zoom.  Link will be shared via email and calendar invite prior to date of meeting.

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Starts: 6/25/2025
Sessions: 0
Pricing: $0

Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size: 45 seats